Jan 20 2007
08:41 am

KnoxViews was officially launched one year ago today. Thanks to all our readers and contributors for making the first year a big success.

Site traffic has grown steadily each month. It was down slightly in December, but January 2007 could be on pace to set a new record.

Some statistics (from Webalizer*):

February 2006 - January 20, 2007:
Total page views: 3,751,251
Total visits: 987,646

Fourth Quarter 2006:
Average monthly page views: 481,949
Average monthly visits: 141,359

January 2007:
Page views per Day: 14,791 avg, 20,102 max
Visits per Day: 4827 avg, 6014 max

February 2006 (first full month of operation):
Page views per Day: 3804 avg, 5199 max
Visits per Day: 918 avg, 1055 max

(*Statistics may include spiders and bots.)

Registered users: 664
Number of posts: 3105
Number of comments: 16,966

Reader demographics survey (Sept. 2006)

Reader location survey (Aug. 2006)

Top five most discussed posts:

Where is the glass dome?

Disaster Preparedness for the Less Fortunate

Worst. Mother. Ever.

Jordan et al. v. Knox County: TERM LIMITS ENFORCED

Fleming's Steak House at Turkey Creek

JaHu's picture

Thanks Randy, for providing

Thanks Randy, for providing this great blogging community. It's success is a a great tribute to your level of knowledge of many issues, local and national, and your outspokenness to voice your concerns and opinions about these issues. The fact that your topics are always of great interest, has drawn in a very diverse and highly intelligent group of bloggers... and me, who have also added to the great atmosphere of KnoxViews (excluding myself).

I wish you many more years of success!

Adrift in the Sea of Humility

Justin's picture

I just knew that Turkey

I just knew that Turkey Creek would be in the top 10 somewhere... :)

Scott Emge's picture

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary KnoxViews!
Thanks Randy for providing a great forum.

Socialist With A Gold Card's picture

Thanks, Boss

Thank you for starting and maintaining this site, SKB. You're providing an invaluable service to the community.

--Socialist With A Gold Card

"I'm a socialist with a gold card. I firmly believe we need a revolution; I'm just concerned that I won't be able to get good moisturizer afterwards." -- Brett Butler

Joe P.'s picture


Happy anniversary and hope for many more to come. As others have already said - job very well done.

Brian A.'s picture

Happy birthday, KnoxViewers.

Gracias, R. Neal.

Brian A.
I'd rather be cycling.

Bbeanster's picture

I really, really love this

I really, really love this site.
Thanks, Mr and Mrs SKB
(You'll always be that to me)

Factchecker's picture

What Betty said...

Congrats on this anniversary and to all who have helped make it Knoxville's best (by far) news forum.

Thanks for providing us this great home, skb and bizgrrl!

Rachel's picture

It seems redundant, but

It seems redundant, but THANKS!

knoxnative's picture

It's True

Everyone knows this is the place to watch for local politics. Thanks for providing the forum Randy, especially in view of your somewhat sour experience as SKB.

S Carpenter's picture

Happy anniversary! Thanks to

Happy anniversary! Thanks to our gracious underpaid hosts and to the contributors for making the place informative.

F-Stop's picture



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