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- The Need for Stronger Opinion Writing (1 reply)
- South Knoxville business fears for survival amid bridge closure, Sevier Avenue project (1 reply)
- Tennessee home prices rose by 122% in last decade. These are the cities where prices increased the most (1 reply)
- Senate lowers standards due to lack of DEI (1 reply)
- Top three insurers reaped $7.3 billion through their drug middlemen's markups, FTC says (1 reply)
- Is Bezos jealous of Musk? (2 replies)
- Let it snow... (7 replies)
- What's up with Blount County Board of Education? (1 reply)
- New Musical Alito (1 reply)
- Private equity reduces patient care while enriching investors, Senate report finds (1 reply)
- Knoxville to get $24.7M RAISE grant for pedestrian bridge (3 replies)
- Stove: glass top vs coil cooktop? (2 replies)
TN Progressive
- One slight error in this toon.... (RoaneViews)
- Getting Ready For the ****Show (RoaneViews)
- Toon...on Friday...But not the Friday Toons (RoaneViews)
- Tennessee Republicans seem to be crawling over each other to show how despicable they can be: (RoaneViews)
- (Whitescreek Journal)
- Lee's Fried Chicken in Alcoa closed (BlountViews)
- Alcoa, Hall Rd. Corridor Study meeting, July 30, 2024 (BlountViews)
- My choices in the August election (Left Wing Cracker)
- July 4, 2024 - aka The Twilight Zone (Joe Powell)
- Chef steals food to serve at restaurant? (BlountViews)
- Blount County, TDOT make road deal for gun mfg ignoring town of Louisville,TN, (BlountViews)
- Winter at the Big Rocks (Whitescreek Journal)
TN Politics
- The sham continues: MLK Day, the Trump agenda, and the war against justice (TN Lookout)
- TennCare’s maternal death rates are 3x those of private insurance (TN Lookout)
- Report: Tennessee, Southeast lag nation in energy efficiency ahead of growing energy demand (TN Lookout)
- Trump officials outline planned immigration crackdown (TN Lookout)
- Trump issues pardons for 1,500 defendants charged in Jan. 6 attack on U.S. Capitol (TN Lookout)
- Trump orders withdrawal from Paris climate agreement, erases actions on LGBTQ+ equality (TN Lookout)
Knox TN Today
- A lost landmark in South Knoxville (Knox TN Today)
- Lady Vols must seek redemption against tough slate (Knox TN Today)
- Book Whisperer steps away after passing of son (Knox TN Today)
- What’s the Fork? (Knox TN Today)
- Chasea Griph: Fashion to finance (Knox TN Today)
- PBPA recognizes Man, Woman, Business Person of the Year (Knox TN Today)
- I’m OK: When did we start saying that? (Knox TN Today)
- Bearden basketball sweeps Farragut; girls win in wild final-second finish (Knox TN Today)
- FirstBank sponsors Habitat playhouse (Knox TN Today)
- Japanese New Year celebrated on 1/26/25 (Knox TN Today)
- Experiencing grief: There’s support here (Knox TN Today)
- Vols have recovered Amari Jefferson, dual talent (Knox TN Today)
Local TV News
- TBI investigating death of woman whose body was found along Fentress County road (WBIR)
- Knoxville man sentenced to 23 years in prison for gruesome stabbing, kidnapping (WATE)
- Case against Knoxville man accused of killing wife moves to grand jury (WATE)
- Beck Cultural Exchange Center celebrates 50 years in Knoxville (WATE)
- TVA asks residents to reduce energy usage due to cold weather (WATE)
- Knoxville Chamber looking for new location, aims to sell Market Square building (WATE)
- When was East Tennessee's coldest January day? (WATE)
- LIST: Warming centers in East Tennessee (WBIR)
- Several veteran Knoxville firefighters sue city over overhauled pay system (WBIR)
- Knoxville clinic along I-40, Interstate Health, aims to help truck drivers (WBIR)
- 'You can't be sad when you have a dog around' || Blount County K9 Association hosting fundraiser this weekend (WBIR)
- Driver in Farragut school bus stop hit-and-run pleads guilty to reckless endangerment (WBIR)
News Sentinel
State News
- Jason Chen sentenced to life without possibility of parole for murder of Jasmine Pace - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- Ranking the Chattanooga-area’s best public, private girls’ basketball programs - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- State regulators limit water rate increase in Chattanooga to 1.45% - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- Dear Abby: Family’s obsession with weight creates unneeded stress - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
Wire Reports
- Trump terminates John Bolton’s security detail within hours of taking office - CNN (US News)
- Crypto Thought Trump Would Bring It Legitimacy. Then He Launched a Meme Coin. - The Wall Street Journal (Business)
- Trump to announce AI infrastructure investment backed by Oracle, OpenAI and Softbank - CNBC (Business)
- Trump is signing a flurry of executive orders. Here's how those work - NPR (US News)
- "No one should excuse violence": GOP Senate resistance hits Trump over Jan. 6 pardons - Axios (US News)
- The U.S. dollar weakens as Trump 2.0 kicks off with no immediate tariffs - MarketWatch (Business)
- Twenty-two States Sue to Stop Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Order - The New York Times (US News)
- Historic snowstorm hitting the South from Texas to Florida - ABC News (US News)
- Trump’s Order to End E.V. Subsidies Draws Pushback and Doubt - The New York Times (Business)
- Netflix earnings are after the bell. Here's what to expect - CNBC (Business)
- IMDb’s CEO, who founded the site 35 years ago, is stepping down - The Verge (Business)
- Intel Gets The Elon Musk Premium; Buyout Outcomes Discussed (NASDAQ:INTC) - Seeking Alpha (Business)
- Goldman Sachs taps new generation to lead key Wall Street units - Financial Times (Business)
- Supreme Court rules for female Oklahoma death row inmate over sex-shaming claim - NBC News (US News)
- Thune mum on pardons - POLITICO (US News)
Local Media
Lost Medicaid Funding
Search and Archives
TN Progressive
- Blount Dems
- Herston TN Family Law
- Inside of Knoxville
- Instapundit
- Jack Lail
- Jim Stovall
- Knox Dems
- MoxCarm Blue Streak
- Outdoor Knoxville
- Pittman Properties
- Reality Me
- Stop Alcoa Parkway
- Nashville Scene
- Nashville Post
- Smart City Memphis
- TN Dems
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- Bob Stepno
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