Feb 4 2009
03:36 pm

TNDP Chair Chip Forrester (who was not involved in the blogathon and did not know about it until it was launched) emails this message to the Tennessee progressive bloggers and supporters who have contributed:

From the beneficiary of this effort, on behalf of the Party, let me give you my heartfelt thanks for doing this. This effort will allow us to, 1) expand the base of the Democratic Party in Tennessee and 2) involve a whole new group of donors in our efforts to Take Back the House in 2010. My deepest thanks for this. Keep "chippin' in" for Tennessee.

Chip Forrester
Tennessee Democratic Party

More info in the sticky post at the top of the page. Chip in!

WhitesCreek's picture

Chip, Don't miss our point!

We are very dissatisfied with the direction of our party. Republican Lite is not what we want to be. Most of our nation moved in the Progressive direction with Tennessee going backward. Our state Democratic party has no message and no movement, and we just aren't going to take it anymore. Nor is fiddling with hot button issues while the state burns what any of us want to see.

And...When a moron like Bill Hobbs regularly eats your lunch with no response for days, we get pissed and stay pissed.

This group of folks has tons of talent. We'll support you with all we have if you can move this state in a Progressive direction. I see you ready and willing to take us in for our fund raising capabilities (and you ain't seen nothing yet), but to keep us working, you have to accept our ideas and involve us in the process.

The old boys had their chance and blew it. "Top down" isn't ever going to work, ever again. We are out here and have laid a golden gift at your door step. Treat us well, Use us well, but most of all...Listen to us well.

We move at electronic speed, and you're going to have to run hard to keep up. We just can't accept anything less.


Russ's picture

Well said, Steve. Chip and

Well said, Steve.

Chip and the rest of the party leadership need to recognize this experiment as more than simply bringing in new donors. It's proof of the concept that grassroots organizing probably works better now than it ever has; it's also a not-too-subtle hint that we want (and expect) to be included in the conversation about the direction of our state.


onetahiti's picture

Very good post, Whitescreek

Thanks, WC! I especially liked this: "We are very dissatisfied with the direction of our party. Republican Lite is not what we want to be. Most of our nation moved in the Progressive direction with Tennessee going backward. Our state Democratic party has no message and no movement, and we just aren't going to take it anymore. Nor is fiddling with hot button issues while the state burns what any of us want to see."

I agree with you.

-- OneTahiti

WhitesCreek's picture

I keep thinking we need us a

I keep thinking we need us a "community organizer" who starts in the streets, highways and byways of our state, gets everybody riled up and energized, brings them all together and takes action.

Oh, wait...That's US!

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