Oct 20 2006
10:29 pm
By: Bbeanster

Just saw the TV spot Corker has allegedly renounced -- the one that ends with the hookerish looking woman stage-whispering "Harold, call me"

My question is how many of these trashy things will Corker indignantly renounce before people figure out that this is just a way of trying to appear above-it-all while sliming HFJ?

Brian A.'s picture


This RNC ad?

I don't have any idea how campaigns operate.  But I'm having a hard time believing that a national party spends hundreds of thousands of dollars assembling and airing local ads without any consultation with the candidate on who's behalf they are distributing the ads.

Does that really happen?

Brian A.
I'd rather be cycling.

Brian A.'s picture


Looks like GOP central has a mass production line rolling out the sleeze ads. 

Brian A.
I'd rather be cycling.

Eleanor A's picture

how many of these trashy

how many of these trashy things will Corker indignantly renounce before people figure out that this is just a way of trying to appear above-it-all while sliming HFJ?

That was my first thought when I heard about the disgusting "Tennesseans for Truth" ads. You'll never convince me Todd Womack didn't have direct knowledge beforehand.

Andy Axel's picture

how many of these trashy things will Corker indignantly renounce

Just get George Allen to call him "macaca" on camera. Then you'll get national attention.


Forget patriotism. is the last refuge of scoundrels.

egalia's picture

Trashy Ad

I think it's going to backfire. People in this state are NOT that stupid. I'm surprised the RNC is stupid enough to put their name on it. It's over the top. I'm betting this ad alone increases the outraged black vote. People in Memphis are already voting in record high numbers.

Josh Marshall picked it up! My little blog is so honored. I hope the trashy ad gets national press, as in 'naming and shaming' press!

Anonymous's picture

List of Ford's corrupt family indictments

U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr.'s relatives in politics, most indicted!

His Brother Jake is independent candidate for his house seat in Memphis.
Recently moved to Tennessee from California to be eligible to run. *His
arrest record (link...)

Edmund Ford, 50, (uncle) elected to Memphis City Council in 1999; currently
council chairman.

Emmitt Ford, 62, (uncle) elected to Tennessee House of Representatives in
1974; indicted and resigned in 1981 after insurance fraud conviction.

Harold Ford Sr., 60, (father) elected to Tennessee House in 1970 and to U.S.
House of Representatives in 1974; indicted in 1987 on bank fraud charges and
acquitted in 1993; left Congress in 1997.

James Ford, (uncle) elected to Memphis City Council in 1979, succeeding
brother John; elected to Shelby County Commission in 1994; died in November
2001 at age 52.

John Ford, 63, (uncle) elected to Memphis City Council in 1971 and to
Tennessee Senate in 1974; indicted in 2005 on charges of bribery, extortion
and witness intimidation. Resigned; awaiting trial.

Joseph Ford, 51, (uncle) elected to Memphis City Council in 1994, succeeding
brother James; council chairman and unsuccessful mayoral candidate, 1999;
named to brother James' county commission seat in 2002. Elected to seat same

Ophelia Ford, 55, (aunt) lost election for James' county commission seat to
brother Joseph. Won Sept. 15 special election by 13 votes to fill brother
John's seat in Tennessee Senate; two investigations pending into possibly
illegal votes .

Source: USA TODAY research, Shelby County Board of Commissioners, Memphis
City Council and Almanac of American Politics.

Andy Axel's picture

Two can play the guilt-by-association game.

Corker is a Republican.

In the last six years, the following Republicans have been under investigation, under indictment, or have been convicted of a felony:

Bob Ney
Jack Abramoff
Curt Weldon
Mark Foley
David Safavian
Randy "Duke" Cunningham
Tom Delay
Bill Frist
I. Lewis Libby
Karl Rove
Michael Scanlon
Ralph Reed
Tom Noe
Robert Kjellander
Jim Tobin
Brent Wilkes
Joe Allbaugh
Ernie Fletcher
George Ryan
Robert Novak
Armstrong Williams
Maggie Gallagher
Richard Pombo
Marilyn Musgrave
Grover Norquist
Conrad Burns
Rick Renzi
Charles Taylor
Roy Blunt
Rick Santorum
Tom Feeney
Dennis Hastert
Bob Taft
Susan B. Ralston

Two can play the guilt-by-association game.


Forget patriotism. is the last refuge of scoundrels.

Eleanor A's picture

We're supposed to take

We're supposed to take seriously a list that starts with (link...)?

Gee, I just remembered I have to rearrange the silverware drawer tonight...

Rachel's picture

Sorry for the near duplicate

Sorry for the near duplicate post, which I've now removed from the front page.  Betty said what I said, and as usual, said it better.

I saw this ad for the first time this afternoon, and I gotta say, it's awfully over the top.  It looked like something from SNL.  Didn't seem very effective to me, although Lil Bobby still gets the benefit of "renouncing" it.

The Corker ad of "man of the street in Memphis" may be more effective - in that it reminds folks who care about such things that Ford is black.

But then I'm not sure that many folks who care about such things actually vote in midterm elections.

Mark Siegel's picture

Why is Corker denouncing his comrade's ads?

To publicize them.

Gets them free media. The slime gets repeated in the newspaper and on the news shows.

Yeah, he is trying to look like he is "above" the ads. But mostly he's trying to publicize them.

The little man is starting to make my skin crawl.

Egalia Stanberry's picture

Funny ad.

Bob Ney
Jack Abramoff
Curt Weldon
Mark Foley
David Safavian
Randy "Duke" Cunningham
Tom Delay
Bill Frist
I. Lewis Libby
Karl Rove
Michael Scanlon
Ralph Reed
Tom Noe
Robert Kjellander
Jim Tobin
Brent Wilkes
Joe Allbaugh
Ernie Fletcher
George Ryan
Robert Novak
Armstrong Williams
Maggie Gallagher
Richard Pombo
Marilyn Musgrave
Grover Norquist
Conrad Burns
Rick Renzi
Charles Taylor
Roy Blunt
Rick Santorum
Tom Feeney
Dennis Hastert
Bob Taft
Susan B. Ralston

Wow, all these people are in Corker's family? Amazing.
Per your usual, Andy, you missed the point.

BTW, everytime I see the ad in question, I laugh not only because it's funny, (that Wilford Brimley-looking guy saying, 'Canada can take care of North Korea; they're not busy,' cracks me up)but because it's true.

redmondkr's picture

Wow, all these people are in

Wow, all these people are in Corker's family? Amazing.

Yes, Dumbass, they are indeed in Corker's "family".

"If a thing is worth having, it's worth cheating for." - W. C. Fields

Egalia Stanberry's picture


Yes, Dumbass, they are indeed in Corker's "family".

They are? Um, okay.
And what's with the ad hominem attack language, red?
Now, that's not very "inclusive" or "tolerant" of you. I thought leftists were all about "celebrating diverse opinions."


redmondkr's picture

I'm sorry if you were

I'm sorry if you were offended; I'm not very inclusive or tolerant.  In some ways I'm like Whoopi Goldberg who once told an audience that her pet peeve is intentional ignorance.

The gist of my comment was this; one cannot choose one's relatives but one can choose with whom one relates.  I made the apparently mistaken assumption that only a dumbass would have made the comment you posted without considering that Mr. Corker "adopted" these siblings when he became a Republican.

I apologize if I erred in that assumption. 

"If a thing is worth having, it's worth cheating for." - W. C. Fields

Eleanor A's picture

[COMMENT REDACTED because telling off some troll

[COMMENT REDACTED because telling off some troll isn't worth causing trouble for the Ford campaign]

Andy Axel's picture

It's not tolerant to be

It's not tolerant to be intolerant of intolerance!

Why, I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse.

Hello, I must be going...


Forget patriotism. is the last refuge of scoundrels.

rikki's picture

political necrophilia

Now, that's not very "inclusive" or "tolerant" of you. I thought leftists were all about "celebrating diverse opinions."


Hi, runny! The Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Studies must have lost track of you. You're still using pre-Clinton canards and desperately need to complete your continuing re-education credits.

redmondkr's picture

The Limbaugh Institute for

The Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Studies must have lost track of you. You're still using pre-Clinton canards and desperately need to complete your continuing re-education credits.

Rikki, I might add in a tolerant and helpful way, that Brian Hornback may be able to suggest what classes are available at the Correctional Facility.  He was a wealth of knowledge when he felt that Just Johnny and I needed help with Photoshop, or knitting, or something.

How does it go now? "You can choose to be an asshole from column A, or you can choose to be an asshole from column B"  It's something like that.

Gotta go - we're making apple butter today here at The Home.

"If a thing is worth having, it's worth cheating for." - W. C. Fields

rikki's picture

porn star?

The RNC keeps harping on Ford for taking money from a porn producer despite Ford having returned the donation. I wonder who produced the "call me" ad and which actress was hired to deliver that line. Is it worse to take money from a porn producer or to hire one?

Jef - belgian's picture


This ad is hilarious, but what's the point of advertisements during an election campaign? Why not just refuse ads during a campaign. It would save us all a lot of money...

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