Feb 5 2007
07:24 pm

As mentioned in comments and elsewhere, Knox Co. Mayor Ragsdale has called for a special election to coincide with the citywide elections slated for September and November of this year.

At the same press conference, he announced nominations for the new ethics committee. He also made this interesting remark:

"it has become evident to me that more needs to be done to examine these issues throughout Knox County Government, including in my own office. I will be asking the Ethics Committee to evaluate the hiring practices of the executive branch first, and I will fully support their efforts."

Simply Ridiculous's picture

Press Conference

I just saw the entire press conference at - it is worth a listen and also to hear what Commissioners Hammond and M. Harmon had to say. Plus you can hear questions from the media, including the beanster herself, and how the Mayor responds.

oldyounghi's picture

Special Election

I bet that Moore and the gang blocks the Ethics Committee appointments and the special election. The gangs got the votes and the power in commission and will continue to ignore the will of all of the people.

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