May 31 2006
08:45 am

Hearings are set to get underway today on whether the Knox County Charter is invalid and/or whether term limits are legal and who they apply to. The Knoxville News Sentinel has this report. It doesn't appear this will get resolved in time to prepare a proper ballot for an August 3 election.

WhitesCreek's picture

 "It doesn't appear this


"It doesn't appear this will get resolved in time to prepare a proper ballot for an August 3 election."

Shocked! Shocked, I tell you...Who would ever have thought such a thing. 


Scott1202's picture

On a side note

Our sheriff must be worried about having real competition in the upcoming general election. Knox County GOP heavy (no pun intended) hitter Brian Hornback has recently gone on the offensive against Randy Tyree in Hutchinson's favor. Wow, what a surprise. 

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