Feb 4 2009
07:59 am

Click here to contribute.

In November 2008, Tennessee Democrats relinquished control of the statehouse for the first time since reconstruction. In January, the Tennessee Democratic Party elected new leadership, and incoming TNDP chair Chip Forrester has pledged to expand the state party's grassroots organizing effort to build on the energy and enthusiasm created by sweeping Democratic victories in the national elections.

To support that effort, progressive bloggers across the state of Tennessee are this morning launching the "Chip in!" online fundraising blogathon to support the Tennessee Democratic Party during this critical rebuilding phase.

We have set up an ActBlue fundraising page where you can "chip in" a little or as much as you can to support this netroots effort and help the Tennessee Democratic Party hit the ground running for the critical 2010 elections for Governor and House of Representatives. Our modest goal is to raise $1000 $2000 by the close of business Friday. Your secure online contribution goes directly to the Tennessee Democratic Party's FEC regulated committee fund.

In his acceptance speech, TNDP chair Chip Forrester said "The Democratic Party has always stood for the average man and woman against the forces of power, privilege, and elitism. We have stood for fairness and safety in the marketplace and in the workplace, we have stood for individual rights and freedoms, we have stood for equal opportunities for all Americans, we have stood for equality and justice for all."

The Obama campaign revealed a fundamental shift in American politics away from the "forces of power, privilege, and elitism" towards a more inclusive process, powered by an unprecedented grassroots movement of everyday people getting involved.

But here in Tennessee the progressive movement is being left behind. Just to give you an idea of what we are up against, last week Republican gubernatorial candidate and Mayor of Knoxville Bill Haslam raised $1.4 million at a $1000 per plate fundraising dinner attended by a who's who of GOP elite.

The eventual Democratic nominee will need that kind of large donor support, too, but Democrats across the state of Tennessee must also pull together in a grassroots effort to fundamentally change the way we do business. We can start by supporting our new Tennessee Democratic Party. Your contribution today sends a message that we are here and we are ready to help.

Please note that the "Chip in!" blogathon is an independent effort by Tennessee progressive bloggers and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Tennessee Democratic Party. Online processing, disbursement and regulatory compliance are handled by ActBlue, which has facilitated raising more than $87 million online for progressive candidates and committees across America.

UPDATE: Participating blogs
UPDATE: Goal met, raised
UPDATE: New goal met, raised again

Nobody's picture

Good luck. I posted this on the Knoxville OFA site

R. Neal's picture

Wow, $400 in the first half

Wow, $400 in the first half hour!

Carole Ann Borges's picture

Not sure why I became a Nobody...

I'm not nobody. I am me. LOL.

Brian A.'s picture

Wow, stuff moves quickly in

Wow, ideas move quickly in the blogosphere. Anyway, it looks like the goal is very attainable.

Brian A.
I'd rather be cycling.

Brian A.'s picture

"We" did it!

Brian A.
I'd rather be cycling.

Brian A.'s picture

"We" did it again!

Brian A.
I'd rather be cycling.

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