Oct 27 2006
09:58 am
By: Socialist With ...

Over 1 million bank workers in India are on strike today. They're protesting the outsourcing of their jobs.

My head just exploded.

SayUncle's picture

Heh. Kinda like how Mexico

Heh. Kinda like how Mexico complains about talks of a fence here but Mexico has a fence to keep out Guatemalans.

Can't we all just get a long gun?

Socialist With A Gold Card's picture

Aside from the irony of it,

Aside from the irony of it, another reason my head exploded is that those million bank workers are all unionized and therefore can strike over the issue. With only 8% of the private-sector US labor force being represented by unions, the ability to stop outsourcing is no longer within our grasp.

--Socialist With A Gold Card

"I'm a socialist with a gold card. I firmly believe we need a revolution; I'm just concerned that I won't be able to get good moisturizer afterwards." --Brett Butler


SayUncle's picture

Actually, it shows my lack

Actually, it shows my lack of giving a shit. Fences keep people out or in. This one keeps out Guatemalans.

Say, what's racist about that Ford ad?

And where's that alleged study on gun violence you made up err read?

I await the sound of crickets chirping again. Zzzzz.

Can't we all just get a long gun?

SayUncle's picture

I engaged in nothing. I did

I engaged in nothing. I did link to it though because it amused me. A reader pointed it out.

IIRC, last time it was a 'study'. This time, it's a list of 'facts' from an anti-gun group. Puhlease. You don't link a study because it doesn't exist.

Can't we all just get a long gun?

Eleanor A's picture

Welcome to Uncle's

Welcome to Uncle's if-I-personally-didn't-link-to-it-or-blog-about-it, it doesn't exist/isn't valid/whatever alternate reality.

SayUncle's picture

Then produce it. Too much to

Then produce it. Too much to ask? Of course, Eleanor, as someone who invents their own reality, that comment doesn't surprise me.

After all, Klansmen endorsed Corker, right? I mean you had the photo.
Can't we all just get a long gun?

Eleanor A's picture

You are willfully and

You are willfully and intentionally misrepresenting the image in that thread. It was a Photoshop job done by national blogger Billmon, who could hardly help but notice Corker's difficulty with a certain political advertisement, given that it ran on CNN and other national outlets every five minutes with commentary all day for about a week.

I personally made no comment about it, only linked to the image with the heading "Billmon's take on Corker." Since you have no problem with Instapundit linking to outside sources or images, I hardly see how you can criticize me for it. I noticed your buddy Roger Abramson was trying to get some traction out of this, so I suspect that has something to do with your motives.

The KKK image was forwarded to me via email. I wish I could get on Billmon's weblog to see what he had to say about it, but as of last night his server was timing out. So, unfortunately, that means you can't put his words in my mouth, either.

SayUncle's picture

I know, metulj, you got

I know, metulj, you got nothing. Never do.

Eleanor, no. I am willfully and intentionally pointing out a divorce from reality. You'll gleefully post a hateful little photoshop with no real world meaning. Silly me for wanting, you know, real data and such.

Can't we all just get a long gun?

Eleanor A's picture

Yeah, since your own

Yeah, since your own observations are always so cuttingly accurate. Whatever.

Actually, on edit - It makes perfect sense you'd pretend not to know what Billmon, Chris Matthews, and others are getting at. Must be a real problem for your guys that Ford is getting a national wave of support, most likely with contributions. Good luck raising that money to avoid Corker triggering the millionaire's clause - cause Ford can match you dollar for dollar, and you know it.

SayUncle's picture

Zzzzz. --- SayUncle Can't


Can't we all just get a long gun?

SayUncle's picture

Crossposted. zzzz was for

Crossposted. zzzz was for eleanor.

'Show me a statistic that shows a correlation between lower crime rates and gun ownership.'

I've never asserted such a statistic existed. And my stance has always been that gun laws largely don't affect crime.

I will read the study but that's not the one you mentioned before. So, let's have it?

'I am sure your gun club magazines and Soldier of Fortune are peer reviewed.'

I don't read either. I get my data from the DOJ, NIJ, and CDC.

Can't we all just get a long gun?

Eleanor A's picture

You're not denying it, I

You're not denying it, I notice. What an insightful comeback. Gosh, you just ripped me to shreds rhetorically, there. Gee, I sure am worried about your intellectual smackdowns.

Give me a frigging break. As for this thread, I gotta go put up some yard signs, so I don't have any more time to play in the sandbox with you, Uncle. Seeya.

SayUncle's picture

'And there is the

'And there is the Lott-Mustard study which the pdf you downloaded cites and refutes.'

Yah, everyone knows that. There's this guy named Lambert who follows lott as well. And, what the study you just linked concludes, is that the impact of CCW laws smaller when compared to Lott's study and aren't consistent across types of crime. So, nothing new to me there.

'Your stance is that carrying affects crime which is a legal state of affairs.'

It is? Wow! I can just make up my opponent's stance in a debate. Your stance is:

Uncle Ru1eZ, metulj Dr001z.

Uncle concurs.

Now, where's this other study you made up err read?

Can't we all just get a long gun?

R. Neal's picture

Can someone explain to me

Can someone explain to me how a post about bankers striking in India because their jobs are being outsourced is now about concealed carry permits and crime rates?

Socialist With A Gold Card's picture

It's a restaurant review in disguise

Simple, SKB: since all those people in India are losing their jobs, crime will go up, and therefore there will be a higher demand for concealed-carry permits.

Please do try to keep up.

--Socialist With A Gold Card

"I'm a socialist with a gold card. I firmly believe we need a revolution; I'm just concerned that I won't be able to get good moisturizer afterwards." --Brett Butler


R. Neal's picture

As for me, I am guilty of

As for me, I am guilty of not following up on a couple of year old post.

This site isn't even a year old! If it was carried over from that other site, that would have to be MORE than a year old. Sheesh. Maybe y'all ought to bury the hatchet on whatever it was. :)

SayUncle's picture

"Alternately, point out the

"Alternately, point out the inconsistencies with a person who see connections where there are none but can't see connections where they are obvious. Shake."

Err, right. You are really quite delusional, i mean, in between making up studies and getting your material from others?

"Can someone explain to me how a post about bankers striking in India because their jobs are being outsourced is now about concealed carry permits and crime rates?"

Indeed. Consider me withdrawn. But one more thing:

"Maybe y'all ought to bury the hatchet on whatever it was."

I'd be happy too if he just produced the study. I'd never mention it again. But he can't. I just like to bring it up whenever he's feeling all delusionally holier than thou.

Can't we all just get a long gun?

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