Mar 30 2023
05:44 am

Just under 3 years ago South High School was renovated and opened as the South High Senior Living Facility.

"The new facility models another project Dover lead, converting the old Knoxville High School into a senior living facility. Both facilities have gained nation attention by the Urban Land Institute.

“When you preserve a historic building, and it’s part of the community and it goes dark, it becomes kind of a black hole for a community in terms of its energy. And what it does for a neighborhood to then restore it suddenly, it revitalizes the surrounding area and that just ices the cake for me. I think it’s great,” said Dover."

Now, Dover is looking to sell the property to McNabb Center for a substance abuse center. Ha! "Smelcer [VP McNabb] said Dover Signature Properties reached out to McNabb about converting the facility after researching similar transitions that have been successful elsewhere."

All the senior citizens that have moved or will have to move have already sold their homes in order to have a new home at a senior living facility in South Knoxville. Where will they go now? Does anyone realize there are no other senior living facilities in South Knoxville? I know from experience that the administrators certainly pitched the facility as a long term place to live. Wow, two years?!?!?

Two years prior, 2018, Dover renovated and opened the Knoxville High Senior Living Facility. He can sell a project, he just can't follow through on the project. The Knox High Senior Living Facility is now Knoxville High Apartments. No more meals served. Cleaning service no longer included. They are now luxury apartments.

The lack of success in another Dover project gets South Knoxville a drug rehab facility. No luxury apartments for SoKno.

The property has to be rezoned to facilitate the sale. Maybe the community and the city can come together to stop this project.

bizgrrl's picture

A story from WATE with more

Mike Cohen's picture

Knox High

I have represented Dover for many years. I just want to point out that Knoxville High was ALWAYS independent apartments. Every unit has a full kitchen..full size fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Because of the food service we had people there who needed to be in assisted living, which was never our intent. To suggest they are now becoming apartments is just not right. You might still be opposed to it, but I wanted you to have correct information. Also, services like cleaning are still offered. Many did not use those services to we made them ala carte. Everyone's rent was significantly reduced as well.

yellowdog's picture

The "market" run by capitalists will not solve our housing

needs, nor lots of other needs, like safe trains...

Moon's picture


I never understood how a (local, this time) government could rationalize giving him more money.

bizgrrl's picture

Tis a bit odd.

Tis a bit odd.

jlynn's picture

Planning staff is recommending to deny this application


Deny the sector plan amendment to the CI (Civic and Institutional) classification because it does not meet any of the criteria for a change to the land use plan.

I’ve also heard there is at least one individual interested in buying the facility and continue as senior living.

bizgrrl's picture

That would be wonderful.

That would be wonderful.

bizgrrl's picture

Seen this happen before. Not

Seen this happen before. Not sure I understand why staff recommendations are not pursued.

jbr's picture

Potential rehab facility’s location raises concern ...

“This whole thing doesn’t quite make sense to me, trading out a senior center for a drug rehabilitation center right next to not only an elementary school but the Cecil Webb [Recreation] Center behind it,” he said.

Potential rehab facility’s location raises concern from South Knoxville residents

bizgrrl's picture

Knox County Planning

Knox County Planning Commission approved the rezoning of the old [South High School] building, which has been a senior living facility for 3 years.

Next the rezoning application moves to the Knoxville City Council.

"According to Sbordone [a nurse at South High], the community does not want the sale to happen and there was a petition with more than 1,000 signatures, which was not addressed in the commission meeting."

In other news, "In North Knoxville, the Knox County Industrial Development Board removed a provision from the contract he (Dover) had with the board [for the old Knoxville High School], requiring him to lease apartments to people age 62 and older. "

bizgrrl's picture

Here is the Save

Here is the Save South High Petition.

Here is the Save South High facebook page.

bizgrrl's picture

Looks like McNabb has backed

Looks like McNabb has backed out.

"The McNabb Center is ending its efforts to purchase South High Senior Living in Knoxville in order to turn the assisted living facility into a drug rehabilitation center."

jbr's picture

Other locations

Looking at commercial property listings there are a lot in Farragut area. With Parkwest and Tennova hospitals in the area. They could focus on that area for the rehab facility.

bizgrrl's picture

"The property is owned by the

"The property is owned by the city's Industrial Development Board under a payment in lieu of taxes agreement, which gives the recipient a break on property taxes and requires instead a consistent annual payment. A Dover Signature Properties spokesperson told Knox News the PILOT has 20 years remaining and would have expired upon a sale to McNabb."

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