Nov 24 2024
08:54 am

Well, we don't really have Front Page Follies anymore, so I thought I'd share this old Frank Sinatra ditty updated for modern political fund raising.

In the wee small hours of the morning
While the whole wide world is fast asleep
You lie awake and think about the texts
And never, ever think of counting tweets
When a desperate campaign is calling
We can win if only you give
In the wee small hours of the morning
That's the time you hate these most of all

bizgrrl's picture

Heh. Incessant? The next

Heh. Incessant? The next morning we received requests for funding the after campaign. Sheesh.

Up Goose Creek's picture


I was pretty nasty to whoever texted me at 9:30 Halloween night. Accused them of being Satanists or something.

I may have been reported because the next morning I get a text from DNC or someone generic. I'm a bit more polite and say I contribute to individual candidates via mail.

So the volume of texts goes way down after that and the few that get through I accuse of being grifters and ask how much do they skim off the top.

Post election I mainly hear from Mary Trump. Grifters gotta grift if it's genetic.

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