Jan 14 2010
12:07 pm

RAM (Remote Area Medical) is using their transport plane to send much-needed medical supplies to Haiti. The plane is leaving TOMORROW, Friday, January 15th. If you would like to help make sure the plane is full of medical supplies, please purchase some things from the list at the end of this email and deliver them to RAM at 1834 Beech St Knoxville, TN 37920-2602 in south Knoxville.

Everything donated needs to be boxed and labeled on the outside of the box as well as the inside of the box. (example: if you buy a number of Ace bandages, put them all in a cardboard box and write "Ace Bandages" on the inside of the box as well as on the outside of the box.) If you choose to help, please purchase and deliver all items to RAM today. If you have any questions, please call RAM at (865) 609-1876.



Aspirin – as much as you can provide

Ibuprofen/ Tylenol – liquid for infants
Tablets for adults

Anti-diarrhea medication (like Imodium) tablets or capsules (not liquid or liqui-gels) – as much as you can provide

Anti-itch cream (Benadryl)

Vaseline (we can use up to 20 pounds)

Antibiotic cream (Neosporin) as much as you can provide

Ace bandages – as much as you can provide

Ziplock bags – all sizes

Fine tip sharpies - 20

Alcohol in plastic bottles up to 50 bottles

Wash cloths – will be lower priority so will be one of the last things packed

Dish towels (flour sack cotton, not washcloth type – basically those that would leave less lent) these are for use by docs when treating patients

Empty bottles with multi hole pop up caps various sizes (these can be filled with water to flush debris) you can find smaller ones in travel item section at Wal-Mart

Crutches – have an old set at home you aren’t using? If stoppers, handgrips and arm pads are in good shape - we can use these.

Eye drops – non-medicated (saline….liquid tears) as much as you can provide.

Gauze pads – 2x2 and 4x4 sizes

Band-aids – 20 –30 boxes



Thank you for your great response to our earlier email regarding Remote Area Medical using their plane to fly medical supplies to Haiti. There will be other flights going to Haiti, so if you are not able to donate on such short notice please consider donating supplies in the days or weeks to come.

There are a few additional things you need to know:

1. Due to a wonderful response, the folks at RAM are overwhelmed with the logistics of sorting out and organizing donations. Starting immediately, please drop donations off at Digital X-ray Specialist (3700 Pleasant Ridge Road) instead of RAM’s South Knoxville location until 9:00 p.m. tonight or 6:00 p.m. tomorrow.

2. There are two additional items that RAM is in need of:

a. Flashlights with batteries

b. Headlamps with batteries

3. RAM will begin accepting donations again after Digital X-ray closes at 6 p.m on Friday, until 10 p.m. They will be open on Saturday, January 16th from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, January, 17th from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. and will continue to stockpile provisions to fill the plane as many times as possible. Because their parking lot is small, if your church or business could bring everything in one or two loads it would help to avoid gridlock.

4. RAM's staff is overwhelmed by phone calls, so if you have questions, please call Chris Caldwell, pastor at Hope Community Church, at 865-599-1044. You can also call Angie, a member at Hope Community Church who has offered to assist with phone calls. Her number is 865-455-9635.

*If you hear of the FAA banning incoming flights due to an inability to refuel them, please be assured that RAM has alternative plans to get the supplies delivered.

R. Neal's picture

Update from RAM: Thank you

Update from RAM:

Thank you for your great response to our earlier email regarding Remote Area Medical using their plane to fly medical supplies to Haiti. There will be other flights going to Haiti, so if you are not able to donate on such short notice please consider donating supplies in the days or weeks to come.

There are a few additional things you need to know:

1. Due to a wonderful response, the folks at RAM are overwhelmed with the logistics of sorting out and organizing donations. Starting immediately, please drop donations off at Digital X-ray Specialist (3700 Pleasant Ridge Road) instead of RAM’s South Knoxville location until 9:00 p.m. tonight or 6:00 p.m. tomorrow.

2. There are two additional items that RAM is in need of:

a. Flashlights with batteries

b. Headlamps with batteries

3. RAM will begin accepting donations again after Digital X-ray closes at 6 p.m on Friday, until 10 p.m. They will be open on Saturday, January 16th from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, January, 17th from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. and will continue to stockpile provisions to fill the plane as many times as possible. Because their parking lot is small, if your church or business could bring everything in one or two loads it would help to avoid gridlock.

4. RAM's staff is overwhelmed by phone calls, so if you have questions, please call Chris Caldwell, pastor at Hope Community Church, at 865-599-1044. You can also call Angie, a member at Hope Community Church who has offered to assist with phone calls. Her number is 865-455-9635.

*If you hear of the FAA banning incoming flights due to an inability to refuel them, please be assured that RAM has alternative plans to get the supplies delivered.

Treehouse's picture

Way to go volunteers

Thanks to the knoxviews announcement, my friend and I had time to get some supplies and deliver them to the Beech Street address. While there, I heard deRoyal was sending six pallets of supplies on a tractor trailer and also the Health Department sent a van full of first aid supplies. This is the true Volunteer spirit.

GDrinnen2's picture

thanks for posting the update Randy

Trying to keep up with all the news today, my blackberry battery gave out.

I'm making a delivery of items on Saturday. If anyone would like to have stuff picked up, I'd be glad to try and arrange.

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