Apr 21 2012
11:42 am

What: From "Hail and Back" Party in South Haven Neighborhood
When: Friday, April 27, 2012 - 5:45pm
Where: Hillcrest United Methodist Church picnic area

Your neighbors in South Haven invite you to a Party to celebrate surviving the April 27th, 2011 Hail Storm

Where: Hillcrest United Methodist Church picnic area, South Haven Neighborhood
When: Friday, April 27, 2012, 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Who: The South Haven Neighborhood Association

Food, live music, contest and prizes for largest hail stone, most damaged vehicle, raffle for a fund to help storm victims

For more information contact Pat Harmon (591-3958) or Linda Rust (577-2836).

bizgrrl's picture

What a great idea!

What a great idea!

South Heaven's picture


We think it'll be a lot of fun. You all should come! We'll have a contest to see who has the biggest hail stone. Photos are okay, obviously, although my son still has one in the freezer! Also - we'll give a prize for the car with the most hail damage.

Donations toward a raffle will be accepted. The raffle will be to set up a fund with Hillcrest United Methodist Church to help people who still need storm-related repairs, etc. For raffle, we've got a weather radio (donated by Kroger) and various local restaurants have donated gift certificates (King Tut, Osaka, The Round Up, so far).

Please join us.


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