Aug 27 2015
03:47 pm

UPDATE: Rep. Holt is resisting payment of the fine, claiming that EPA rules enforcement is unconstitutional. According to NewsChannel5, the basis for that claim is that EPA officials are unelected. No, seriously.

The only question that remains is which federal magistrate gets to laugh this defensive strategy out of court.


The EPA announced today a $177,500 fine against state Rep. Andy Holt for illegally discharging 800,000 gallons of waste from his hog farm into public waterways.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 4, issued an Administrative Complaint, Docket No. CWA-04-2015-4506,that assesses an administrative penalty up to the statutory maximum of $177,500 to Andrew H. Holt and Eleanore F. Holt, d/b/a A & E Livestock (Respondent), 461 Jewell Store Road, Dresden, Weakley County, Tennessee, under the authority of Section 309(g)(2)(B) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33 U.S.C. §1319(g)(2)(B).

Holt can still request a hearing or a settlement conference. Rep. Holt is vice chair of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. There were previous allegations that TDEC higher management ordered an investigator to lay off.

The full complaint and notice of enforcement action...

PREVIOUSLY: State rep hog farmer under EPA microscope

AnonymousJ's picture

I guess he's up sh@#t creek

I guess he's up sh@#t creek if he doesn't pay.

cafkia's picture

What kind of liberal hell is

What kind of liberal hell is this nation going to when an honest, hardworking job-creator can't poison the water for a few tens or hundreds of thousands of downstream citizens. The man is just trying to feed his family, if he kills yours in the process, that is just one of those things.

No wonder people hate liberals. Like anyone cares about water quality.

(but seriously folks, you reckon there are any practicing Jews or Muslims downstream from this guy? Any wealthy water sports enthusiasts? Any citizens with health issues? Any vegetarians? Any other citizens that don't count?)

Factchecker's picture

How they're wired

I'm sure he's kicking and screaming about his property rights, though they have nothing to do with the destructive impacts he is causing.

I'd also bet Holt thinks he's doing god's work, being a hog farmer. Everybody loves BBQ, and all.

Factchecker's picture

Speaking of which

GOP property rights: (link...)

yellowdog's picture

No special treatment!

I think I heard someone quoting Haslam or someone speaking for him to the effect that this guy has not received any special treatment. That would be too bad since that would mean no one has to comply.

Keep the government out of everyone's right to pollute.

Andy Axel's picture

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