Dec 30 2006
06:55 am

A Koran in one hand, and hoodless. * By his own choice. Defiant to the end, but reports say he was scared. Well, of course he was scared! He was about to find out the Ultimate Answer, whether or not there is an afterlife, or....something else.

Something else for his life of brutality. Something besides a quick yank, and then...blessed nothingness? If that is true, then his punishment wasn't death, it was the lead-up to death. That's when it all comes home, I suppose, when one has the time to contemplate The End.

State-run Iraqiya television news announcer said "criminal Saddam was hanged to death and the execution started with criminal Saddam then Barzan then Awad al-Bandar."

Mariam al-Rayes, a legal expert and a former member of the Shiite bloc in parliament, told Iraqiya television that the execution "was filmed and God willing it will be shown. There was one camera present, and a doctor was also present there."

News reports say that in Dearborn, Michigan, Iraqi Americans celebrated the death of the dictator. Outside, traffic slowed as people drove in circles around the mosque, honking horns and flashing peace signs. "This is our celebration of the death of Saddam, "The gift of our New Year is the murder of Saddam Hussein. If you want to share the Iraqi people's happiness for the death of Saddam, raise your voice and your hands." and chants of 'Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead..' Sorry, actually the quote is "Now there's peace, Saddam is dead"

Peace, huh? Not exactly. A realization by the majority of Humanity that Hussein (or Stalin, or Hitler, or Pol Pot, or whoever) is truly a murderous dictator is never enough for another fragment of humanity who has lost a hero. Saddam Hussein will be someone, in a never ending cycle of vengence and revengence. That, my friend, is the human way.

lookleap's picture

What is this but retroactive

What is this but retroactive abortion? Death penalty. I don't understand the double standard.

nedwilliams's picture

"retroactive abortion"

The difference is innocence. There are appropriate uses of force/violence and inappropriate ones . . . executing, under the law, persons who kill others is arguably appropriate because it respects the value of innocent human life.

See? No double standard, just ignorance.

Andy Axel's picture

just ignorance. We're all

just ignorance.

We're all well acquainted with your ignorance, Ned. It's good to see you finally owning up to it.


Dirty mouth language -- it's the new black.

cafkia's picture

cant find the verse

The difference is innocence. There are appropriate uses of force/violence and inappropriate ones . . . executing, under the law, persons who kill others is arguably appropriate because it respects the value of innocent human life.

See? No double standard, just ignorance.

Gosh, I'm having a little trouble finding the spot in the Sermon On The Mount, or really anywhere in the new testament, where Jesus says to use violence. Could you supply chapter and verse please?



It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
  - William G. McAdoo

Scott1202's picture

Big Deal

Kill him, don't kill really isn't going to make any difference on the ground. Sure he was a bad guy, there are lot's of bad guys around the globe.(Funny how he wasn't such a bad guy in the 80's when the U.S. government was selling him weapons. Btw...he was killing Iraqis back then too.)The violence in Iraq has nothing to do with Saddam. It's a civil war and our troops are bouncing around in the middle getting killed.
Saddam's death has more to do with Junior getting some payback and silencing someone who could have shed some light on Poppi Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheneys dealings with him during the Iran/Iraq war. Convenient how Saddam get's hanged right before the new year when Junior is expected to announce an escalation.

nedwilliams's picture

Dang! You discovered another Dubya conspiracy

You're only sort of right--there are plenty of bad guys around the globe.

But Saddam was unfinished business from the past who had threatened and demonstrated a willingness and ability to use WMDs in an era when folks like Al Qaeda just need someone to provide them aid, comfort and technology.

Anyway, what was Sadaam waiting for before spilling the beans on the Bushies? And the irony of your post is that you (actually, I'd guess it's others that you are prone to parrot) are now saying that we need a form of RealPolitik or realist approach to the MidEast which has as rule #1 seek stability through whatever means necessary.

Serr8d's picture

So everything has got to be

So everything has got to be about the Bushes and their staff,huh, Scott? It's all got to tie into your worldview of evilbushwarforoildamntherepublicansanyway, why not try to be honest and just say you are always looking for a bat to beat up the President with, no matter how far a stretch you have to make?

Well-trained by Michael Moore and George Soros, I see. Follow those moonbats in their ever-tightening circles. We'll see how well they do, when it comes down to trying to find some policy somewhere in middle of their BushAngst. I just don't believe there is anything of substance that will come from the farthest left, except that at which they are expert, whining and crying and not making producing anything but the same old tired, Blame America First arguments.

The execution last night is a culmination of the US's policy, whereby a soverign Iraq puts down their evil tyrant that during his reign killed hundreds of thousands of individuals, some with the use of WMD's. For Bush, and me, that is vindication of his policy.

Eleanor A's picture

Troll alert in Aisle 9?

That's pretty rich, pal. All you've managed to offer by way of rebuttal is a quick run through the standard RNC list of talking points:

* Any leftist criticism of the Bush Administration (or actually, any criticism period) is nothing but "whining";
* A slap at Michael Moore (although I notice you left out Jane Fonda, which tells me you're probably younger than the oldest guard defending Nixon in Cambodia, etc.);
* And a totally invalid defense of what is on the face is pretty good argument: that the Bush Administration continues to defend its ridiculous attempt at "establishing democracy" in the Middle East while it solidly ignores genocide in Darfur and elsewhere, and worse, does nothing to combat the jong Il machine that could easily obviate the need for those glow-in-the dark watch faces in much of the Western world, and soon.

It'd be funny if your determination to protect this corrupt cabal didn't have such potentially serious consequences for pretty well everybody.

Serr8d's picture

Moonbat alert in Aisle 10~!

You go, Elanor. Talk about talking've got yours to spare.

Jane Fonda? Left out because she's not relevant anymore. Try Cindy Sheehan.

Darfur? Does it have oil?

And now that we mention Evil Oil, are you going to be the first to stop using every drop that we spoiled Americans are To Die for? Tell me that you'll park your SUV, turn off your Air Conditioner, stop working (because, you see, the Capitalist System we all enjoy REQUIRES oil at reasonable, market prices, or the entire system collpses. All of it.) Are you prepared to go that route?

Go ahead, lead the way. Be the first to stop every modern thing you are doing, turn off that glowing box in front of you, forget using electrons in any sense. Maybe the Ämish can use you, if you can be fitted with a plow...

Eleanor A's picture

My personal habits are none

My personal habits are none of your business. And as far as what Americans as a whole need to do to reform our ridiculously overconsumptive habits, I'm all for a constructive conversation about it. However, pretending we got into this war for any reasons other than controlling the oil supply, and that assassinating Saddam is going to perform any service other than martyring him for a significant portion of the Iraqi population, remains to be adequately debated.

Looks like the best you've got is calling me a cow, which is also pretty rich, considering the contempt you have for whiners. "Mommy, she hit me" might have been a little more concise.

And, last I checked, Darfur does not have oil, which more or less backs up my assertion. Not sure whether or not that was your intention.

Serr8d's picture

Frankly, my dear, I could

Frankly, my dear, I could care less about your personal hygeine. As far as conversation about conservation, it isn't going to happen until things dry up (oil, that is). We're on a speeding train of greed that's going to crash...someday. I'm like you, just along for the ride.

If you would carefully read my post, you 'might' be able to see the sardonicism in the Darfur question...but that may be a bit too much strain.

And you obvioulsly haven't seen "Borat", either...but don't, you might take it too seriously, given your missing of the easiest ironies...

WhitesCreek's picture

Troll on ailse 8

Geez...This looks way too familiar.

I listened to the BBC on a way too long drive back from a Soccer tournament today and the question of the day in the rest of the sentient world is "Why did they execute Saddam before they had his trial on the gas attacks on the Kurds?"

"Was it because Bush Daddy supplied the chemical precursors?"

Well, duh!


Factchecker's picture

Bush Apologist Off Mainstream Aisle!

And now that we mention Evil Oil, are you going to be the first to stop using every drop that we spoiled Americans are To Die for?

And why can't dittobrains see things any way except as one extreme or the other?

Why do "we" (meaning only liberals/Democrats/environmentalists) have to stop using every drop? Why don't "we" (meaning shared sacrifice among Americans of all political stripes) just start cutting back from using whatever resources we want to using what we actually need? If we did, it would not be hard to eliminate our imports from the Middle east. The rest of the way toward energy independence can follow in good time (though you probably laugh at that entire notion--the "blessed" American way of life, and all).

We could start by asking ourselves questions like: Do I really need a 6000 lb. SUV with off-road capability? We can't stop using oil until we start curbing our selfish excesses. Small steps in the right direction would help.

What part are you doing?

Eleanor A's picture

Anyone hear whether the 450

Anyone hear whether the 450 hostages expected to be murdered in the event of a Saddam hanging have met their end?

Number9's picture

Anyone hear whether the 450

Anyone hear whether the 450 hostages expected to be murdered in the event of a Saddam hanging have met their end?

Why must you make the most specious arguments of anyone here? Do you suggest that we return to the days of Jimmy Carter and the Iranian Hostage Crisis? Do you suggest that since 450 people are held hostage that Saddam should have been spared? Should Saddam have been set free because of hostages?

Your logic holds your intellect hostage.

By far the goofiest thing you have written yet.

Andy Axel's picture

I didn't see an argument

I didn't see an argument made.

You're the only one making arguments -- and putting words into people's mouths.

But we've all come to expect asiNINE behavior from you. So it's no surprise, really.


Dirty mouth language -- it's the new black.

Serr8d's picture

Ahh, but the Titans lost,

Ahh, but the Titans lost, and I got rained on for half the game...but, 8-8 is satisfying enough for this year...

There are some arguments that Saddam met his fate too soon, that he should have been handed over to the ICC for further 'world'-level trials, that possibly even the date was incorrect(Eid al-Adha, the Holy Day of Sacrifice).

Nonsense! There's not a better example in recent history to cause discomfort to dictators, than the example of what happens when justice catches up. Saddam was responsible for multiple thousands of deaths, and any time more he spent alive on this planet was more than he deserved. He was tried, there's no disputing the evidence, and summarily hanged.

Hopefully despots elsewhere will take note: at least in this instance, the USA isn't to be trifled with. (Áfter 2008, that may change...for awhile).

Andy Axel's picture

Hopefully despots elsewhere

Hopefully despots elsewhere will take note: at least in this instance, the USA isn't to be trifled with.

Suharto had nothing to fear from the United States.

Ayatollah Khomeini had nothing to fear from the United States.

Augusto Pinochet had nothing to fear from the United States.

Pol Pot had nothing to fear from the United States.

Slobodan Milosevich had nothing to fear from the United States.

Jose Napoleon Duarte had nothing to fear from the United States.

Idi Amin had nothing to fear from the United States.

Ferdinand Marcos had nothing to fear from the United States.

Jiang Zemin has nothing to fear from the United States.

The leadership of the Janjaweed seemingly has nothing to fear from the United States.

The US (hearts) dictators.


Dirty mouth language -- it's the new black.

JaHu's picture

Do you suggest that we

Do you suggest that we return to the days of Jimmy Carter and the Iranian Hostage Crisis?

Jimmy Carter was unfairly judged on the Iran Hostage affair. I heard from someone who was very familiar with what was going on there and they felt that Carter had a good plan but felt the mission was sabotaged with poor equipment and incompetents to pull off the mission. Do we want to talk about Iran Contra and who would benefit most from Carters failure there? I'm just tired of Carter taking the blame for something which was beyond his control.

Adrift in the Sea of Humility

Andy Axel's picture

For Bush, and me, that is

For Bush, and me, that is vindication of his policy.

This execution is mostly a symbolic way of making you and your partisan ilk feel better. But as a measure of success?

Saddam's capture did nothing to stabilize the situation over there. I doubt his execution will do anything to quell tensions.

And it certainly won't bring back our servicemen and servicewomen, or restore the limbs, or hearing, or eyesight of our wounded. It won't get back the billions of dollars wasted in the effort. It won't bring back the 3000 people killed on 9/11 (since, as we all know now, Iraq had nothing to do with those attacks).

You feel vindicated?

What a black soul you must have.


Dirty mouth language -- it's the new black.

Scott1202's picture

Sven's picture

Andy Axel's picture

Victory for Muqtada al-Sadr?

Via Thismodernworld...

This should dispel all rumours and conflicting media accounts about Saddam's last words and the reaction of the audience.

Saddam (as the noose is put around his neck): Ya Allah (Oh God).

Someone in the audience: Mercy be on those who pray for Mohammed and the household of Muhammed (Everyone repeats the prayer, including Saddam) -

Executioner and two people in the audience: ... And hasten his return (the Mahdi), curse his enemy and grant victory to his son, Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada! (This is a common Sadrist chant.)

Saddam (smirking): Muqtada? Is this your manhood? (unclear)

NSA Muwafaq Al-Rubai'i: To Hell!

Saddam: (laughing) ... and disgrace to you. (unintelligible)

Prosecutor Munqidh Al-Far'awn: Please, no.

Muwafaq Al-Rubai'i: Longlive Mohammed Baqir Al-Sadr!

Someone in the audience: To Hell!

Prosecutor Munqidh Al-Far'awn: No. Please, no. I beg you. The man is in an execution.

Saddam (solemnly recites the Shahada prayer): I witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Mohammed is the messenger of Allah. I witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Mohammed is the-- (trap door is opened).

Nice little gift we've handed the Mahdi army, huh?


Dirty mouth language -- it's the new black.

Factchecker's picture

Via Thismodernworld...

The point is made that we've become complicit in the crimes of Al-Sadr's insurgent/terrorist Mahdi militia, which is fighting us and is responsible for murders including that of Casey Sheehan.

Even Cristopher Hitchens gets this one right. I haven't looked, but I suspect neo-extremist nutjobs like Ann Coulter are celebrating this lynching as a Bush victory.

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