Apr 6 2006
09:52 am

I was just kidding around on April Fools Day with the "Knox County Declared Unconstitutional" post last Saturday.

Michael Silence notes that this was oddly prophetic in light of the latest court decision regarding the Knox County term-limits drama.

And Sandra Clark wants her wheel tax money back!

Hildegard's picture

Bologna, mayo, white bread,

Bologna, mayo, white bread, Powell, and politicians, and everybody chortling at Richard Bean's promise of juvy inmates eatin' good from the leftovers. The perfect beginning for a horror short story, which - in a just universe - would end with the juvies cannibalizing everyone at the head table of the next Powell Auction and Realty good ole boy baloney samblich luncheon. Burp.

Anonymous's picture

Very funny

When did Joyce Carol Oats begin frequenting this site?  Very very funny.

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