Feb 16 2009
11:25 am

Rep. Stacey Campfield (R-Crazytown) is in the news again with his slate of Bizarro World legislative proposals, most of which are reruns.

He recently explained that joining a lawsuit demanding President Obama to turn over proof of his identity was just his way of defending Obama from attacks and helping him clear this up. Right.

Campfield is the Andy Kaufman of state politics. Or Ali G for you youngsters. He is running the longest performance art hoax in recent memory. There's no other logical explanation. His explanation to constituents regarding his quest for Obama's birth certificate gives him away.

Yes, we know he is "joking," but along with everything else it suggests that deep down he thinks some voters actually believe he's for real. He has no respect for the people of his district and regularly insults their intelligence. He doesn't take anything seriously, state politics is just a big joke, and the only thing he's interested in is getting his name in the paper.

People often wonder why the voters in his district keep electing him. Besides the fact that Democrats seem afraid to run against him, most folks can't even name their state representative and senator. When they go into the voting booth all they know is "Campfield? Isn't he that nice boy who knocked on our door and asked us to vote for him? I think I read about him in the paper. And I heard the liberals hate him, too." If they were paying attention, they would be embarrassed and insulted to even see his name on the ballot. But mostly embarrassed.

(Reviewed strictly on the merits of his performance art, though, we give him three and a half out of four stars, with a half point off for being a little too obvious.)

RELATED: Katie Allison Granju on Campfield's stream of sexually oriented legislation.

WhitesCreek's picture

Maybe not...

How do you know Stacy Campfield IS faking?

I think he's legit. Probably the worst thing that cold be said about him.

KC's picture

Campfield is actually adept

Campfield is actually adept at stirring up the class hatred and envy in his district (ie-the Steve Halls, Lloyd Daughertys, etc, etc). Most of his most avid supporters think he represents them better than those they consider "elitist."

That's how he successfully plays it.

CathyMcCaughan's picture

Also related.

bill young's picture

My 2 cents

The ONLY way to beat Stacey is to out work him & thats easier said than done.

Because Stacey has a 6 year headstart on working the doors & he hits 'em 365/24/7.

My advice..If you want to beat Stacey start working the doors this spring & dont stop till 8pm election day.

Be the other nice candidate that cared enough to stop by.

Candidates running against Stacey bring to mind that classic SNL skit on the Dukakis-HW Bush '88 race when the person playing Dukakis crys out in frustration:

"I can't believe I'm losing to this guy."

IMO,candidates running against Stacey all run I not him campaigns & think it's enough.

It's not.Stacey wins & folks pull their hair out blaming everybody but themselves.

My advice would be HIT the doors & explain to the voters YOU are not interested in these crazytown hijinks.

YOU want to go to Nashville & get some common sense things done on the economy & education.Our problems are way too big for YOUR state rep to spend one iota of time looking for birth certificates ect ect ect.

Personally I like ole Stacey & I respect that he wins elections.

But I would like nothing more than to help a Democratic candidate beat him on election day.

I've told Stacey that & he just grins.

Then beats the fool out of every candidate that comes his way...Republican or Democrat.

Hit the DOORS..Hit the DOORS..Hit the DOORS!!!!

KC's picture

Hit the DOORS..Hit the

Hit the DOORS..Hit the DOORS..Hit the DOORS!!!!

That's a simplification of why he wins.

It's a little more complex than that, and it involves the same motivations and class hatreds that inspire and protect the Lamberts and Pinkstons of the county.

bill young's picture

How would you folks beat him?

Metulj & Gary I would run a campaign against Stacey like this:

1.start now
3.a message of common sense government

Thats what I tell people who ask me.

What would you tell 'em?

bill young's picture

Common Sense for a Change

In politics perception is the reality & common sense is perceived as being "practical,sensible;ordinary good sense."

I really think a candidate can compare & contrast a common sense approach to the crazytown approach & win votes in the 18th Tn. State House district.But you got to work to do it.

Metulj not sure how your advice gets a candidate elected.About all I could get out of it was...there's no such thing as common sense & if there was the voters in the 18th Tn.State House district dont have it.

Thomas Paine said:

"I offer nothing more than simple facts.plain arguments,and common sense."

A little common sense worked back during the American Revolution.

I dont see why a little common sense & alot of hard work couldn't work today in the 18th Tn. State House district.

bill young's picture

Dont think that will work

Metulj the question is:

If a candidate ask you how to beat Stacey what would be your advice?

And this is your final answer?

1.Telling voters that the guy they have been voting for makes them look like rubes.

2.Telling voters there is no such thing as common sense.

3.Telling voters that the quote:

"I offer nothing more than simple facts,plain arguments,and common sense."

Is not to the point because of ivory tower..yada..yada..yada..

IMO,Metulj,your final answer will not work.

Voters dont like being told they are rubes & will get the last laugh & vote against your candidate.

Saying to voters there is no such thing as common sense when voters firmly believe there is.I dont think is good politics.

My candidate will say to voters:

That candidate I'm runnin agin says theres no such thing as common sense but we know different..You've got common sense..I've got common sense & we both know we need common sense in government..So it just makes good sense you vote my way in this here election.

Paine's quote is a good one..a winning political message in one sentence.

I'll send a candidate out any day that hammers "simple facts,plain argument and common sense." Against your candidate talking Enlightment vs absolutism.

Of course if candidates thinking of running against Stacey call you give it your best shot you could be right.

The ones that have called me doors doors doors & common sense government has been my advice.

bill young's picture

18th '06 Ford

There are split wards & I dont know how to break those down.

The split wards are:41,45,47,51,
65-N,66-N,70 & 71

Here's the Ford % in those that aren't


The 52% ward is Ridgedale.
The 34% ward is Cedar Bluff/South

In the city the 18th state district includes part or all of the following:

Norwood,Pleasent Ridge,Ridgedale,Bearden Middle & High Schools,West Hills & Deane Hill.

In the county:Ball Camp,Cedar Bluff,Concord,Farragut,Lonas & Rocky Hill.

A well run hard working campaign could win the city wards & do well in Farragut & get elected.

I agree with s..put 24Q in the 18th's mix & it's a whole new ball game.

Elrod's picture


Stacey Campfield is one in a long line of culture war Nixonland candidates who pray on working class sensibilities that "elitists" are somehow screwing them over. Stacey Campfield is basically an elected version of Jim Adkisson replete with all the pop right wing sociology.

The way to beat Nixonland candidates is to go door to door and put out the INEFFECTIVENESS of them, and the CONCRETE PLANS to do something else for the district.

Tell somebody that Campfield does and cares nothing about their economic problems, introduces dozens of useless bills that get ignored, but that the alternative will offer real solutions in Nashville - then you've got a hearing.

Basically, drive the point home that Campfield is not addressing their needs.

Another effective tack is to highlight his slumlording. It's one thing to back a guy because he "hates the libruls." It's another to back a guy who can't even keep up his own property - who disrespects his own property.

Rachel's picture

I think there's truth in

I think there's truth in what Bill says. I've heard astute political observers say Stacey does the door to door thing harder than anybody - and he's smart about it. All people who don't think much about issues know is that he's that nice young man who came to see them.

Since he already has the rabid right on board, that's plenty enough votes to win.

Stacey Campfield is basically an elected version of Jim Adkisson replete with all the pop right wing sociology.

Please. I detest Stacey, but comparing him to a domestic terrorist is way over the line.

Sandra Clark's picture


The problem of Stacey X is nothing that a bit of redistricting wouldn't cure. How about getting Sequoyah (24) out of Frank Niceley's district (for gosh sakes) and into Stacey's.

Also, the problem may solve itself if Stacey gets really ambitious and goes for Burchett's senate seat. -- s.

Rachel's picture

Also, the problem may solve

Also, the problem may solve itself if Stacey gets really ambitious and goes for Burchett's senate seat.

Yup. I've been hoping he'll go for it.

lovable liberal's picture

Making a name

Here's some satire Stacey's long-time "fans" may enjoy.

Liberty and justice for all.

My home

KC's picture

and he's smart about

and he's smart about it.

I've heard that when he goes door-to-door, and if he meets the homeowner who's wearing a shirt that says "Bush S****," he'll say he likes your shirt. If you're wearing a shirt that says "Obama S****," he'll say he likes your shirt.

I agree with the redistricting issue. Look at the precincts and Campfield pulls strongly out of: Norwood and part of Cedar Bluff. That's a strong blue collar element that, although strongly dependent on the aggregate demand (like the rest of us) created by Oak Ridge and UT, likes to think they're all free-enterprise, small business, uber-capitalists.

They also feel that they're ignored like the Silent Majority. It's very Nixonian.

How would I plan to beat him? Sorry. While I enjoy the discussion here, Campfield will be up for some kind of election in the future, and I don't plan to help him.

ANGRYWOLF's picture

I don't hate the guy...

I just feel he's stupid.
Like most repub office holders.

Brian A.'s picture

This state senator could

This state senator could give Campfield a run for his money: the "radical gay movement" = "They're probably the greatest threat to America going down I know of."

Brian A.
I'd rather be cycling.

Elmer Gantry's picture

Rep. Stacey

Rep. Stacey Campfield
Statement of Disclosure of Interests (ss-8004)

Date of Filing 2008-03-26
Filer Contact Information
Stacey Campfield
2011 Flagler,
Knoxville, Tennessee 37912

Sources of Income
Part A
Premier Enterprises
2011 Flagler , Knoxville, TN with recipients Filer

Part B None

Positions Held
Premier Enterprises Owner from Jan 1998 to Mar 2008
(so who now owns Premier Enterprises and pays Campfiled's salary?)

Blind Trust None
Legislative Expenses None
Lobbying None
Professional Services None
Retainer Fees None
Bankruptcy None
Loans AmSouth with loan recipient Filer

Online Campaign Finance Reports for CAMPFIELD, STACEY
Page 20 results found,

Apalachin Community Press
Stacey Campfield Wins Judo Championship December 1998

Stacey Campfield, son of Lee and Dale Campfield of Apalachin, won the Tennessee state Judo Championship in competition held recently at Nashville. Campfield, who wrestled at Vestal Central High School, is also a blackbelt in karate, and was the winner of the North Carolina Invitational State Championship in his first year of competition in 1997.

Campfield was owner of the STC Drag Racing Series at Shangri-La Motor Speedway in Owego, prior to moving to Knoxville, Tennessee, where he is a restoration-area contractor in the rejuvenation of the Old City section of that city.

Campfield graduated from Vestal High School and the State University of New York.

Former Apalachin Resident Elected to Tennessee Legislature
Community Press (Tioga County, NY), February 2005

 Stacey Campfield, a former resident of Apalachin, recently was sworn in as the second-youngest legislator from Tennessee in ceremonies at the Nashville capitol. 
 In November, Campfield, a Republican, was elected to represent  the 18th District of the Tennessee House of Representatives with 65% of the vote.

Campfield, the son of Apalachin's Therese Lee Campfield and Dale Campfield, has lived in Tennessee for 13 years, and is also involved with a Knoxville-area historic remodeling business. He graduated from Vestal High School and Empire College. He has lived in Tennessee for 13 years.

Residents - Consumer Information

Non-health Licensee Verify License or Registration (Tennessee Contractors Licenses)


(Self-loans to Campfield campaign suggesting that Campfield doesn't not have broad support of his constitiuents:)
Amended 2008 4th Quarter for STACEY CAMPFIELD submitted on 01/26/2009

OUTSTANDING LOANS $15,293.49  8 items found, displaying all items. 1

Loans Beg Balance Paid End Balance*
Self-Endorsed $1,039.86 $0.00 $1,039.86
Self-Endorsed $2,930.07 $0.00 $2,930.07
Self-Endorsed $1,038.55 $0.00 $1,038.55
Self-Endorsed $397.64 $0.00 $397.64
Self-Endorsed $2,397.96 $0.00 $2,397.96
Self-Endorsed $51.08 $0.00 $51.08
Self-Endorsed $1,386.70 $0.00 $1,386.70
Self-Endorsed $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 8 items found, displaying all items. 1

Elmer Gantry's picture

Stacey Campfield world ranked judo champ? Make TheRep prove it!

Rep. Stacey Campfield
Class of 1986

From local entrepreneur to public servant, Stacey Campfield has carried his personal ideals with him ever since he won the award for Best
Sportsmanship as a varsity wrestler his senior year at Vestal High School.
As a second-term House member of Tennessee’s 104th and 105th General Assemblies, Rep. Campfield serves on the Consumer and Employee Affairs Committee. He also sits on the Government Operations Committee and the Consumer Affairs Subcommittee. While in office, Rep. Campfield has received various awards, appointments and other recognition for his political efforts, including the 2004 Friend of Taxpayers award, the Whip Leadership Team appointment and designation as the Assistant Chairman of the Knox County Delegation of Legislators.

In addition to his high school and college wrestling career, Rep. Campfield
has a black belt in karate, a third-degree black belt in judo and jujitsu and
was named eighth in the world for judo in 2003. He is head coach of the
Judo Club at the University of Tennessee.

In the community, Rep. Campfield has volunteered with the American Red
Cross, United Way, Citizens Police Academy, Knox County’s “Read with
Me” program, Knoxville Education Summit, Knox Heritage Committee and
other humanitarian organizations throughout his life.

Now a resident of Knoxville, Tennessee, Rep. Campfield has been featured
on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC as well as several nationally syndicated
radio shows such as Rush Limbaugh, Alan Combs and Michael Reagan. He
has also been mentioned in national publications such as USA Today and
The Washington Times.


Apalachin Community Press
Stacey Campfield Wins Judo Championship December 1998

Stacey Campfield, son of Lee and Dale Campfield of Apalachin, won the Tennessee state Judo Championship in competition held recently at Nashville. Campfield, who wrestled at Vestal Central High School, is also a blackbelt in karate, and was the winner of the North Carolina Invitational State Championship in his first year of competition in 1997.

Campfield was owner of the STC Drag Racing Series at Shangri-La Motor Speedway in Owego, prior to moving to Knoxville, Tennessee, where he is a restoration-area contractor in the rejuvenation of the Old City section of that city.

Campfield graduated from Vestal High School and the State University of New York.

bizgrrl's picture

So, it sounds like Campfield

So, it sounds like Campfield is "not from around here". Now there's a New Yorker that assimilated well.

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