Apr 23 2009
03:24 pm

Frustrated with his growing irrelevance, spurned by the Obama vetting team, saddled with the political legacy of losing Democratic majorities for the first time in seven generations, watching the final grains of sand running out on his term-limited administration, and with all signs pointing to a landslide victory for the GOP in 2010, Phil Bredesen is now doing the only thing that he's capable of doing:

He's taking his ball and going home.

Gov. Phil Bredesen says he hosted a meeting last week with four of the state's five Democratic congressmen (any bets on whether or not Steve Cohen was even invited? --ed) and several prominent fundraisers to discuss the changes.

It was agreed to have the party led (note use of passive voice --ed) by Chairman Chip Forrester handle grass roots organizing and communications, while the separate entity will be responsible for fundraising and candidate recruitment.

...thus revoking a goodly portion of the TNDP charter by fiat. Bredesen goes on to state that this was born of a desire to end the in-fighting -- by getting things his way, naturally.

My read: He just told the party executive committee and "the grassroots" to take a flying [leap] at a rolling donut.

If this works as stated, TNDP would be dependent upon this PAC of local Blue Dogs and the well-heeled good-ol'-boy network for money, strategy and talent, and that PAC will not be accountable to the Executive Committee nor the TNDP leadership.

I recommend that they call themselves the Cartman Democrats, as in: "Screw you guys."

vibinc's picture

Was there an ACTUAL press release?

I haven't been able to find it, unless the AP simply reprinted it.

Thanks for your stance on this Andy, and good post. Since Jellyfinger has banished me and Cracker to the depths of blogger hell, I'm sure my relevance will be in question from here forward. /snark

LeftWingCracker's picture


I'm sending this to everyone I know in Democratic politics. Thank you, Andy, this is wonderful.

benintn's picture

The AP works for Bredesen

Any time you see "Associated Press" you can assume that it's an under-the-table scheme of the Bredesen sausage-makers. Especially if the writer is Eric Schelzig.

Harrison's picture

You people are idiots

How do you think Republicans have managed to run circles around us for years in the legislature? Could it partly be a function of setting up these kind of tag-team organizations? Here's a tip: If Bredesen or Harold or Lincoln or Cooper gave a shit about Chip, he would be gone. As it stands, they have allowed him to exist ... recognized his marginal value ... and are playing a more sophisticated poker hand as a result. It's funny: You reject Bredesen and the Blue Dogs because they don't subscribe to your ass-clown views on statewide politics. Then you rip on them when they try to make lemonade out of the pile of shit that is the TNDP. Why don't your fringe idiots get on a raft and float away so the rest of the rational political civilization can finally get focused on winning races.

Konalized's picture



Strike a nerve?

You Bush-Lite losers are a blight on this party. We'll replace your votes with new ones from the younger voters who DO NOT subscribe to your jellyspine, Republican enabling bullshit.

Cry me a river.

Andy Axel's picture

How do you think Republicans

How do you think Republicans have managed to run circles around us for years in the legislature?

At least Dems were in the majority, even during GOP gubernatorial reign. That said. Let's see. Um, by getting Democrats to bite on crap like the gay marriage amendment, offering "me too" legislation on other social issues, and keeping the grassroots at arms length... that's a start. And then there's...*

As it stands, they have allowed him to exist ... recognized his marginal value ...

This from one of the same guys suffering from Dementia Forresteritis, someone who couldn't have imagined any possible solution to the leadership crisis at TNDP except for getting rid of him. Suddenly, he has "marginal value?" (That amounts to, "Make my coffee and 12 copies.")

You reject Bredesen and the Blue Dogs because they don't subscribe to your ass-clown views on statewide politics

With me, it's more about Bredesen's ass-clown views on policy. But as far as politics goes? Asked & answered before. The Cartman Coalition hasn't managed to maintain the majority, even given many cycles to make things right. And that was before Forrester set foot on the threshold at TNDP. Suddenly we're supposed to believe that the adults are in charge once more? Somehow, "we know what we're doing THIS TIME!" doesn't sound all that reassuring. Maybe it does to the big donors, but hey - my family has only given about $10,000 to the local and state DPs in the last eight years. Does that mean I rank at all?

can finally get focused on winning races.

You mean focused like they were when they lost the House majority this year, or do you mean focused like they were when they lost the Senate majority in 2006?

I mean, great. Get focused. There's a first time for everything. Can't. Wait.

Why don't your fringe idiots get on a raft and float away so the rest of the rational political civilization can finally get focused on winning races.

*...then there's bullshit like that. But I know that Bredesen would like very much for "rabble" like me to go gently into that good night. You know, politically interested, politically motivated, thousands of dollars in disposable income - someone who believes in living wages and social services and serving the public interest using the means at our collective disposal. I'm just a guy who was raised to respect labor & not to cross picket lines, who believes that women should be accorded control over their own bodies, who doesn't believe in crapping in our own nest as far as the environment goes, who believes that we're all in this together irrespective of religious affiliation or sexual orientation or skin color or native language, and that Democrats are purported to be fundamentally more in line with what I believe. (Offer void in Tennessee during an even year.)

Yeah, I know. That makes me some fringe freak in the eyes of Cooper, Davis, Gordon, Tanner, and Bredesen. I'm sure they would very much like for me to give them another check and then just bugger off. Then they stare off into space until they realize, all too late, that no one is showing up to support them. This after they assert their middle fingers in the direction of me and other "fringe" elements. Yeah, y'all are so much politically adept than I am, which is why you're in the middle of this pissing war after consistently losing at the polls. Whatever.

Me, I was on the record early saying that Forrester sucks. I simply wasn't aware that this was Plan B.

But, sadly enough for you - no, I'm not going away. I'd like to. But just when I thought I was out....


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! Special holidays, Sundays and rates!

KonaDogDemocrat's picture


Excellent post, Axel.
These BlueDogshits are quickly becoming a thing of the past and not a moment too soon.

The party's Leftward movement is their curtain call and they know it.
Let them isolate themselves. If they we'll do it for them.

LeftWingCracker's picture

Same here, Andy

I may not have that much in disposable income, but I give time as well as blog, and I'm not going away, either. We're fighting for the soul of the TNDP, or, in this case, making sure it still HAS one.

vibinc's picture

Andy Axel

For the win!

Harrison's picture

You're still idiots

Go for the "win?" What's it gotten you so far? You're probably the kind of morons who voted for Nader in 2000. Here's a proposition: Why don't you quit the Democratic Party and go create your own quasi-union, the Amalgamated Brotherhood of Whiners. I got news for you: You got nowhere else to go. Unless you wanna call over to Bill Hobbs and buy a ticket to the Statesman's Dinner. Good luck and sayonara.

Andy Axel's picture

I got news for you: You got

I got news for you: You got nowhere else to go.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, that the Bredesen wing views the grassroots as a political ATM. And thanks also for proving my point about the Cartman Democrats. "SCREW YOU GUYS!" And it's precisely that attitude has gotten you right where you are. QED.

Can't wait to see the results you get once you've alienated everyone else who dares to have a difference of opinion with Lord Phil.

Unless you wanna call over to Bill Hobbs and buy a ticket to the Statesman's Dinner.

Hell, I already voted for Bob Krumm against Doug Henry. It only hurt for a second.

But then again, between a warmed-over, fossilized Dixiecrat and a movement Republican, I fail to see much difference. I'd rather stay home - but then, that's what you want. So I figure I'll make do by being a pain in your ass.


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! Special holidays, Sundays and rates!

Konowhere's picture


"I got news for you: You got nowhere else to go."

The Left owns the Democratic party. You McCain supporting, PUMA types lost. Remember?

Now grab your Tricorn and join the Tea Party like a good little Republican.

Eleanor A's picture

Beautiful. Well put, AA.

Beautiful. Well put, AA.

LeftWingCracker's picture

AA rocks

And Harrison, it wouldn't matter that you're a filthy troll if you weren't on the state payroll. Don't think it woon't come out, boy.

Konacracker's picture



That's why I love you, LWC.
You, and our brother AA, have the attitude needed to light a fire under the TNDP's ass. The tireless efforts you guys put forth have proven fruitious and will prove to be more so in the future.

We all have to stick together to thwart the efforts of the inter-party obstructionists.

Keep up the great work!


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