Jun 5 2007
11:17 pm

Insider Fred's campaign is hitting further and further inside the Beltway by the day.

Mary Matalin is rumored to be taking up residence in the Fred Thompson campaign.

WASHINGTON - Over the past few weeks Tennessee Republican Fred Thompson has begun surrounding himself with advisers who served under Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, as he heads towards a likely presidential run.

Among those also expected to play a role: Mary Matalin, a former adviser in the current Bush administration, and Tim Griffin, an ex-aide at the Republican National Committee who as a U.S. attorney in Arkansas was involved in the controversy over the firings of federal prosecutors.

Matalin served as national voter contact director for the Reagan-Bush Campaign in 1984, senior adviser to the George HW Bush campaign in 1988, was chief of staff to the RNC from 1988 - 1992, was named deputy campaign manager for political operations in 1992 for Bush Sr. She most recently served in government as senior adviser Dick Cheney and his staff, was deposed by the Grand Jury in the Plame affair, and was a member of the White House Iraq Group. She spends her time honing her rhetorical skills as editor in chief of Threshold Editions, a Simon & Schuster puke funnel imprint for the likes of John Bolton, Glenn Beck, Lynne Cheney, L. Paul Bremer, and Ed Gilllespie. Fair, balanced, &c.

I'm sure she's "being called to service" once again, and isn't thinking at all about her career.

And, so you can track this on your insider cheat sheet, Tim Griffin is a Karl Rove protégé. Rove landed Griffin a prestigious job as US Attorney in Arkansas while partisan skullduggery was pro forma hiring practice at the DOJ. Membership has its privileges, as the saying goes.

Fast-track Fred is busily building those insider bonafides by the day.

Elrod's picture

And he's a reformer?

One of the many adjectives I see thrown at him by his worshippers is "reformer." How does a man with Tim Griffin so high in his campaign qualify as a reformer? Tim Griffin is exactly what's wrong with politics over the last seven years. But I guess having the policies of Bush-Cheney delivered in a smooth Southern baritone counts as reform to the modern GOP.

Andy Axel's picture

One of the many adjectives I

One of the many adjectives I see thrown at him by his worshippers is "reformer." How does a man with Tim Griffin so high in his campaign qualify as a reformer?

Answer: He doesn't! But the press says he does! So he is qualified! Why? BECAUSE!

Hahahahahaha! Oh, that wacky liberal media!

Fact and context free. What a life.


I'm a guy in a Reagan mask -- and I'm running for President!

Eleanor A's picture

Well, they think they can

Well, they think they can put lipstick on this particular pig and pass it off as a new brand of bacon. Interesting how it's still going to have that same rancid flavor of corruption that's currently infusing the Bush Administration's rack of ribs, though.

JaHu's picture

The Bush group must have cut

The Bush group must have cut a deal with Thompson to furnish him with all their campaign staff and support, if he, after elected, would remove all accountability of their illegal ventures. I'm getting where I trust this guy less and less.

Adrift in the Sea of Humility

Andy Axel's picture

The Bush group must have cut

The Bush group must have cut a deal with Thompson to furnish him with all their campaign staff and support, if he, after elected, would remove all accountability of their illegal ventures.

Not only that, but Thompson will undoubtedly preserve the neoconservative legacy.


I'm a guy in a Reagan mask -- and I'm running for President!

JaHu's picture

Thompson will undoubtedly

Thompson will undoubtedly preserve the neoconservative legacy.

Just what we need, more of the same. I hope the American public can see through this, but going by our previous history, we're done for.

Adrift in the Sea of Humility

rocketsquirrel's picture

yeah, Thompson = "change"

yeah, Thompson = "change."

FREE SCOOTER LIBBY! -- Fred Thompson


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