Apr 28 2017
09:19 am

According to a DOE report by the Obama administration in January, there were over twice as many solar power creation jobs in 2016 as there were coal power creation jobs.

Wyoming and West Virginia had the highest ratio of coal power creation jobs. California and Nevada had the highest rate of solar power jobs per capita in 2016.

Power creation jobs in Tennessee are highest in hydroelectric, solar, oil and other fossil fuels

Recently a TVA spokesperson indicated they would not add more coal plants even if the current administration pushes for more coal jobs.

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Today's News


Follow this. It's a game changer at the investment and practical level. It will allow independence from the grid, a production means to turn your utility costs into income, an investment opportunity and a cheaper roof next time you have to replace it.

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More news on the subject......


Installation, guttering systems, manufacturing of tiles and batteries and rewiring jobs, will not only come of this, but save consumers money in the process.

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