Jan 28 2008
07:36 am
By: R. Neal

The following states will have primiaries or caucuses on Feb. 5th (number of Democratic delegates in parenthesis):

Alabama (60), Alaska caucuses (18), Arizona (67), Arkansas (47), California (440), Colorado caucuses (70), Connecticut (60), Delaware (23), Georgia (103), Idaho caucus (23), Illinois (185), Kansas caucus (41), Massachusetts (121), Minnesota caucuses (88), Missouri (88), Montana caucus (GOP), New Jersey (127), New Mexico caucus (38), New York (281), North Dakota caucuses (21), Oklahoma (47), Tennessee (85), Utah (29), West Virginia (GOP)

Here are the states for which a recent poll could be found, and the projected delegates if that were the outcome:

  Clinton Obama Edwards
Alabama 31% 28% 8%
Arizona 37% 27% 15%
California 43% 28% 11%
Georgia 35% 41% 13%
Illinois 22% 51% 15%
Missouri 43% 24% 28%
New Jersey 49% 32% 10%
New York 47% 26% 9%
Tennessee 34% 20% 16%
Delegates 570 446 76

Anonymous's picture

The Giuliani-McCain Love-Fest

John McCain should be a very happy man. It is often said that if one can count his true friends on one hand throughout a lifetime, then he can consider himself blessed. Well, McCain has one true friend: Rudy Giuliani. When Giuliani said that he would campaign as hard for McCain as if he would for his own candidacy, that goes far beyond political expediency. Rudy Giuliani was speaking from his heart, and meant every word of it. So whether John McCain wins or loses in November, he can rest assured that he has a true friend in Rudy Giuliani - a friend who would be there for him in good times and in bad times and for the rest of his life. And, to me, this is even more important than winning a Presidency.

Bbeanster's picture

You're talking about

You're talking about honorable, steadfast, loyal Rudy, who held a press conference to inform his wife that he was dumping her for his girlfriend?

redmondkr's picture

Yeah Bean but she wasn't

Yeah Bean but she wasn't running for President.

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John Bloom's picture


It is Mitt Romney who is the Nixon clone, he is following the Nixon philosophy of moving to the RIGHT to obtain the Republican Nomination, then plans to move back to his native LEFT to attempt to win the General Election, unfortunately for him, his efforts to move to the RIGHT to beat Senator McCain has made him even more unelectable as before.

Why hasn't the media mentioned Senator John McCain's LIFETIME 83% American Conservative Union rating? He had a few off years abit recently, but 68%(2005) and 65% (2006) voting with Conservatives isn't that bad, for his off years.

Also I found these article on Human Events, Naming Mitt Romney #8 Republican in Name Only (RINO), Senator McCain isn't even listed in the top ten.




With the Internet it makes it harder for Mitt Romney to run away from his record.

Also, why hasn't Senator McCain challenged Mitt Romney on his biggest lie, bring the automobile manufacturing jobs back to Michigan from Mexico, is his plan to give subsides to the big three auto makers, such that it would offset the cheap labor and cost of doing business in Mexico? I doubt if the voters would go for that, but I'd like to hear how Mitt plans to do the impossible, without it costing taxpayers BIG, real Big.

John Bloom

[personal information redacted --moderator]

Anonymous's picture

Are you kidding? You must be

Are you kidding? You must be insane!!! 65%?!! That is a terrible CU rating. Another thing that's pathetic is that McCain considered running with John Kerry. By the way if you dodn't know who Kerry is, HE IS A DEMOCRAT!!! Cite your sources on Romney if you have any. Clearly his record speaks for itself. There is a reason why double talk McCain isn't trying to attack Romney on his record. IT'S BECAUSE HIS RECORD IS CONSERVATIVE!!! You better wake up and smell the reality. I can tell that you have no clue about the economy. Tell me, if you can get your brain cells to function, what happens when you penalize a business as the DEMOCRATS, including McCain, would do? THEY LEAVE THE COUNTRY!!!! We need someone like Mitt to bring the balance back to the good old U.S.A. The country I'm proud to be a part of. McCain wants to attack the very thing that Conservatives want to protect, THE CONSTITUTION... Have you heard of McCain Feingold? It is a campaign finance reform bill that takes away your freedom of speech. As a matter of fact we better check that law to make sure we're not violating it right now. McCain will not be the next president and you know it. He would ruin this country just as bad as Hillary or Obama. Look deep man. If you ask the right questions you'll see the truth. Oh by the way, STOP GETTING YOUR INFORMATION FROM THE LIBERAL MEDIA!!!!

Eleanor A's picture

Hoo golly...looks like troll

Hoo golly...looks like troll season's starting early this year...

R. Neal's picture



John D's picture

Mitt Romney is an idiot, and

Mitt Romney is an idiot, and McCain-Feingold is just a baby step in the right direction of eliminating the undue influence of money in politics. Free speech has always been limited when it has been shown to be detrimental to the public good. If influencing the political process with money is such an inalienable right, why is it already limited? Let's get money out of politics once and for all, with total public financing. No, it won't be perfect, but it will be a lot better than what we have now. Lobbyists should represent x number of votes, not x amount of dollars. Free speech my ass.

Anonymous's picture


You fool!! McCain?? LOL You only have to know he adopted 2 black Africans to see how liberal he is!!! Plus the support of cross dresser Rudy. McCain will wave the Mexicans in to the USA to fuel white genocide.

Pam Strickland's picture

Actually the McCains have

Actually the McCains have only one adopted child, who is now college-aged. She is from Bangladesh, if memory serves me correctly.


Pam Strickland

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." ~Kurt Vonnegut

Anonymous's picture

Mclame aint no conservative

Mclame aint no conservative either. Plan war on Iran plus he's openning up the borders. Both, anti-conservative and more, anti-constitutional. RON PAUL is the only true conservative out there.

GDrinnen2's picture


Not to interupt. . . . . . .

I know nothing about the delegate process for Dems, but aren't some states winner take all and some apportioned?

R. Neal's picture

As far as I know, all

As far as I know, all Democratic primaries are apportioned, and a candidate has to get 15% to get delegates. Some GOP primaries are winner take all, some are apportioned.

Here's a pretty good site with way more detail than you would ever possibley want to know about both parties' process, delegates in each state, the delegate math, etc. etc. etc.


And, my chart is simplified. There are statewide delegates, and delegates by Congressional district setting up district by district votes, i.e. the candidate has to win in a district to get that district's delegates.

GDrinnen2's picture


I knew the repubs had winner-take-all (i.e. FL) and apportioned. I also read some about the dem "super delegates". Guess it's all starting to get muddled together in my brain.

Anonymous's picture

John McCain is not a

John McCain is not a conservative Mitt Romney is he know a lot about the economy and will fix the american economy. John McCain is a liar and is a liberal. Vote for Mitt Romney if you want to save the republicans also John McCain supported john kerry in 04

Anonymous's picture

Mitt would be terrible for

Mitt would be terrible for this country.

The democrats are NOT an option in this election. But to me, Mitt isn't an option either. I hear Rush go on and on how Mccain or Huckabee would ruin the party, but Mitt just an incinsere man who is in big businesses pocket, he doesn't care about you and I.
I will also say, how conservative are you if you get elected in Massachusettes? A republican in MA is a democrat in a state like virginia(and same goes for former Va governer Mark Warner who would be a Republican in the NE). But I digress.

Rush complains that people don't really like mccain, the independents and liberals just like his because if they lose, he's acceptable. I'll tell you this. I never voted democrat in my life until 2000, and that's because I did NOT like George W Bush. I thought he would be a disaster for this country in reasons I won't go into here, so much so that I voted for Al Gore. Why did I vote for Al Gore? John McCain lost the primaries. I gave a lot of money to John in 2000.. money from my middle class pocket! I did this because I thought he was the best man for the job. If he had run against Gore, I would have voted Mccain.

Now, McCain is not perfect, but the democrats are unaccpetable this time. I will not vote for either.
Of the canidates left that stand any chance, Only Mccain and Huckabee are viable choices.

As much as I'd hate to say this... In a Romney Obama election, I would actually consider Obama, as much as I don't like his idead.... If Hillary and Romney get it, I'll either not vote, or go with some independent.

I think it's important that we stay in Iraq... There was NO stronger opponent to the Iraq war than I. The reasons are all the reasons people complain about now.. but mostly, it the "Hotel California".. There was NO reason to go into Iraq, a ton of reasons not to... but once you go in, you CANNOT leave or we would end up with another Iran. So see, you can be AGAINST the war but know that you can't leave NS must support it for the good of OUR interests. That's why I thought it was so insanely stupid! AlQueda was NOT in Iraq.. but they are now. Women and Christians actually have less rights than before..... we've spent so much money on it that it's hurting our economy! But I'm sounding like a Ron Paul who wants to leave the troops in because we have no choice. And I digress.

Point is, must stay in Iraq.. can't have Hillary or Obama, can't have Romney... I see Mccain and Huckabee as the only choice, and I don't think Huckabee has a shot.
So drop your anger at Mccain for voting his concious instead of with the party lines all the time! I respect that from any canidate and Mccain has a proven conservative record... and the exceptions? Well, oddly, those are all votes I agree with!

Anonymous's picture

senseless rant, you get yer

senseless rant, you get yer caboose out of irak in order to: 1) stop wasting taxpayers' money and 2) stop shedding blood, either yours or other people's. See my friend, you get yourself a WTC attack cos you ARE meddling out there. It is called BLOWBACK (see CIA report on WTC). One question: so you'd get another Iran, and what??? Has Iran ever threatened US??? Plus, 30 million people voted in a much fairer election than the one you got all rigged up there with your darned diebold machines!!!

R. Neal's picture

Who let the dogs out?

Who let the dogs out?

redmondkr's picture

if you want to save the

if you want to save the republicans

I think it's safe to say that saving a Republican is close to the bottom of my to do list.

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Wearybottom Associates

Andy Axel's picture

voting his concious I may

voting his concious

I may take this as a new tagline.


With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results, and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms.

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