Nov 11 2007
07:43 am

The demise of the Christian extremist's energy wave comes as a great comfort to us liberals. (link...)

We have had to suffer years of irrational-thinking, sham moral values, and a very painful period of high-level hypocrisy. As the Republican Party became a talking-head with mouths on both sides of its face, we were astounded that grown adults could be led like sacrifical cattle to the slaughterhouse of un-reason so easily.

But all that has passed now. The Christian coaliton is no longer focused on gay sex and abortion. They're feeling the squeeze now of looming economic disaster, the one created by their champions on Capitol Hill. I mean who really cares that John is marrying Bob when you're losing your home? When your credit card company informs you one late payment will result in your being bumped up to a 42% APR rating? When gas is $3.00 a gallon and heating oil prices are making your mother-in-law go without food?

Intrest rates today make yesterday's Mafia loan sharks look like a band of benevolent old uncles. No--the government will not break your legs, but it sure as heck can break your heart.

Repentance and forgiveness? Okay, I'm ready to forgive. I never thought Evangelicals were REALLY as mean and nasty, as evil and hypocrtical as they were portraying themselves to be. Mostly I suspected they were just immature and easily led, like teenage kids wanting to be best friends with the school yard bully, so no one would realize how vulnerable they were.

I hope now that they have seen the error of their ways the liberal community will be charitable, not to the crooks, sneaks, and thieves still surfacing now that the lid of protection has been lifted from the steaming pots of corruption, but to the average person who bought into all that Evangelical crap--the false modesty, the insincere moral doggeral, the swaggering disregard of laws here at home and abroad.

Now that the Evangelical community seems to be born-again--again. I hope they will humbly accept their obligation to repeat seven times--we was had, we was had, we was had--and then go out and do the one thing that will really make them feel better---slide back the curtain, walk into the booth, and vote Democratic.

calloway's picture

Carole .. you sound about as

Carole .. you sound about as tolerant as those you denigrate. Also, since that article comes from a) the NY Times and b) Frank Rich I would take it with a grain (better make that four or five pounds) of salt.

WhitesCreek's picture

Interesting, Callo

I mean the straw-man-blame-the-source thing is a bit dated now.

Try a fact offering in order to make your point. uh...You did have a point didn't you?

Carole Borges's picture

Did you miss my compassionate part?

"Repentance and forgiveness? Okay, I'm ready to forgive. I never thought Evangelicals were REALLY as mean and nasty, as evil and hypocrtical as they were portraying themselves to be. Mostly I suspected they were just immature and easily led, like teenage kids wanting to be best friends with the school yard bully, so no one would realize how vulnerable they were."

I tend to look for the best in people. It always hurts me when lambs are lead astray. In this case, I think by now, and by the polls taken lately, the flock knows they have been had. No one can blame them for that as they were up against a very high powered propaganda machine.

When Pat Robertson supports a man like Guiliani, it truly shows how deep his moral backbone really went. If I were an Evangelical Christian, I'd be mortified.

WhitesCreek's picture

Sorry C. B. I'm stinking

Sorry C. B. I'm stinking with "Mean and Nasty". I.D. got their picture on it..They gotta wear it.

cooperhawk's picture


I suppose it is a waste for time to point out the bigotry of your blog, so I'll just say you will be disappointed in believing that evangelical Christianity is fading. If anything Robertson's move should leave room for others who might stay on task & work harder to deal with the problem rather than focusing so much time on the symptoms.

"stinking"?... I don't think I need to add anything to that.

Carole Borges's picture

Yes, I am biased agaiinst those who use people

I freely admit I am very biased against organizations that represent themselves as having a superior morale ground, but turn out to be full of avarice and self-serving power-mongering. There is nothing nice about a group of people who stir up hatred of others, be it gay people, ethinic minorities, women, or people of other faiths. Especially when it is in the name of God. It's why I loathe the Taliban. I hate intolerance when it's coupled with violence toward the human spirit's need for freedom and individuality.

If you doubt the Radical Evangelical community is guilty of these things then you are either blind or so brainwashed you can't see the forest for the trees. The followers of the flim-flam political types that have taken advantage of people in the name of God are very dangerous people. Their followers are not to be blamed. I believe many wonderful people joined the Evangelical movement for pure reasons. They just trusted the wrong people. It happens to us all. I can't say I have never been swayed by a charismatic person who wanted to lead me in the wrong direction.

The proof that the Evangelical movement is dying is evidenced by the confusion of the Evangelical movement voters about who to follow. They can't pick a leader. People at the top, like Pat Robertson, are deperately trying to keep the power-block together even as members of the group are waking up and realizing the hypocrisy of some its most passionate leaders. His support of Guiliani borders on heretical.

The fact that so many political icons of the Evangelical Movement have been charged with crimes or have been exposed as having the "wrong" sexual orientation, can't poosible be overlooked by those who were taught to harshly judge anyone without impeccable moral standards.

The large number of voters who changed the balance of the House of Representatives speaks loudly about the abandonment of the once-loyal believers. To their credit they are now joining with more liberal citizens to take back our government. I'm afraid the remaining sheep will find themselves bleating on a hilside all alone.

I wish the true Evangelical movement all the success in the world as they purge those who have given their belief system a bad name. I believe our world will be better place after this is accomplished.

Anonymously Nine's picture


I freely admit I am very biased against organizations that represent themselves as having a superior morale ground, but turn out to be full of avarice and self-serving power-mongering. There is nothing nice about a group of people who stir up hatred of others, be it gay people, ethinic minorities, women, or people of other faiths.

You are completely blind to your own people aren't you? Does your team occupy the superior morale ground?


Sven's picture

(No subject)

Anonymously Nine's picture

Fun with typos

You caught it.

redmondkr's picture

Pat Has Spoken

Tamara Shepherd's picture

Evangelical Climate Coalition a surprise to me...

A half-page ad in today's N-S (that's page A-5, hardcopy)caused me to think about this post from Carole. It appears that evangelical Christians are recently atuned to the Global Warming issue, too, if the efforts of the Evangelical Climate Coalition are any indication.

For background info on the group, see a recent story in Christianity Today at (link...).

(Very busy among yourselves ;-)

Carole Borges's picture

See the sane Evangelicals are becoming more aware

They are obviously tired of people identifying the Evangelical movement with the weirdo hate-mongers who somehow grew up like mushrooms from the fertile field of fear sowed by those with political ambitious aligned with the ultra-radical conservative Republican agenda.

Good for them!

Anonymous's picture

Thank you so much for

Thank you so much for summarizing the damage that has been done to society and to the reputation of Christianity by the near totalitarian take over of the government by radical evangelicals and corporate interests. How any of these people consider themselves to be either Godly or patriotic is totally beyond me. It's an embarrassment to both Christianity and democracy.

tin cup's picture

Ultra-Radical Conservative agenda.......

Carole, I see that you consider the Evangelical movement dead. Would you mind sharing what you believe to be the core elements of the ultra-radical conservative Republican agenda. I'm curious to know what you believe to be "ultra-radical." I'm also very interested in knowing exactly what you mean when you say, "I hate intolerance when it's coupled with violence toward the human spirit's need for freedom and individuality." Who has been violent toward these needs of the human spirit? How does one become violent against a human spirit's needs? Are you saying that intolerance is OK if it's not coupled with this violence against these human spirit needs?

BTW, the Evangelical movement is about ideas not an individual or individuals. You may not like some or all of the ideas but there are still plenty of us who do prescribe to them. Be assured, Carole, that the ideas in which the Evangelical movement are based are not dead.

Finally, Carole, if charismatic people can sway you, I'd keep that to myself. It makes you sound kind of stupid......

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