May 5 2007
03:26 pm
By: redmondkr

A recent Newsweek poll shows Mr. Bush's approval rating at an all time low. It also indicates that each of the top Democrats is looked upon more favorably for 2008 than any top Republican contender. Of course it's way, way too early to see this as a light at the end of the tunnel, but it is a pleasant thought.

Meanwhile, Mr. Bush continues to court those people calling themselves Christians with his threat to veto legislation that would add sexual orientation language to the nation's hate crime law. It seems that the law would interfere with their rights to free speech.

Fellow party members are attempting to resurrect Ronnie for another shot at the White House. They are looking at old Fred, but they are seeing the Gipper.

MartyD's picture

Ronnie Raygun

Is everybody as sick of this Reagan Ressurection as I am?
I lived in Alexandria, Va shortly after St Elizabeth's and other mental hospitals turned thousands of poor little helpless people out to sleep in the streets. This was done at the behest of Ronald Reagan, the same one who scoffed at Jimmy Carter for his use of the phrase "born again".
I get furious every time I think about that jerk!

Elrod's picture

Party ID

There was a HUGE Party ID for Dems over Republicans in this poll. I think it was 36D-35I-22R. I think 36D is accurate given Rasmusseen and Pew polls on national Party ID. But are only 22% of Americans self-identified Republicans now? The Pew and Rasmussen polls showed a steady drop in Republican ID and massive defection to Independent status. But by this much? The Pew and Rasmussen polls generally put it at 36D-31R-30I. Has the Republican Party imploded that much more as of late? Or is the sample skewed? It's hard to say, and I bet it's a combination of both. I don't think GOP party ID is as low as 22 percent. But I do think it has dropped and continues drop. Note, by the way, that Indies pick Giuliani over Obama or Clinton. If so many of the Indies are ex-Republicans driven out of the party by Bush, it makes sense that many of them would back Giuliani. The problem for Rudy though is that when you add these new Indies to existing Republicans you still get less support for Giuliani overall than any of the Dems. In other words, the Republican Party is in big trouble right now.

calloway's picture

Reagan resurrection ? Sign

Is everybody as sick of this Reagan Ressurection as I am?

Reagan resurrection ? Sign me up for that event. I think y'all are misreading a bit of Bush's low #s as being solely because tons of folks want to run out next week and sign up as a MoveOn torchbearer.

Keep in mind that lots of GOPs want someone a lot more conservative. Ya know.... leave the children behind, bomb the Soviet Union over lunch, pistol-whip the homeless (we like pistols) .. those sorts of thing.

Factchecker's picture

Ya know.... leave the

Ya know.... leave the children behind, bomb the Soviet Union over lunch, pistol-whip the homeless (we like pistols) .. those sorts of thing.

Yeah, we know. Thanks for being up front about it.

redmondkr's picture

. . . tons of folks . .

. . . tons of folks . . .

The penchant of folks to use tons of this and tons of that as descriptors in their everyday language is a bit deceptive here. It doesn't take many people, especially those with today's BMI's, to constitute a ton.

It takes a megaton or two of voters to elect a president.

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R. Neal's picture

I don't know which is

I don't know which is goofier. The Regan nostalgia, or Rudy's nostalgia for 9/11.

fletch's picture

At least Reagan's team was

At least Reagan's team was smart enough to illegally bribe the Iranian terrorists with weapons while supporting Saddam with weapons to keep them at bay. Yes, those were the days, when high crimes and misdemeanors by Republicans actually made some sort of perverted sense. You have to give Reagan credit for that compared to the current regime.

rikki's picture

emporer has no quid pro quos

Now, now, fletch. Everyone knows the Iranians released the hostages four seconds after the inauguration because they were scared shitless of the man, not because George HW Bush had been secretly negotiating with them in Paris on those fall days when his appointment calendar was magically empty.

Andy Axel's picture

In violation of federal law,

In violation of federal law, to boot.

Look! Pelosi! Syria!


Georgia's in Florida, dumbass!

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