Apr 4 2007
07:05 pm
By: Mark Harmon

Knox County Cable Committee met April 4, 2007, 8:30-9:30 am in Room 640 of the City County Bldg. Chair Mike Hammond was present. I was there, I'm vice chair. Also present: Commissioners R. Larry Smith, Josh Jordan, and Lee Tramel. The group discussed and unanimously passed my resolution below:

Read more after the jump...

Whereas: Tennessee Senate Bill 1933 and House Bill 1421 take away the current authority of the county legislative body to enforce franchising agreements, including collection of franchise fees.

Whereas: These two bills are the latest in a historical pattern of stripping away the legitimate exercise of county authority over easements and impeding the enforcement of franchise agreements regarding cable and video service providers.

Whereas: The lack of a “build out” provision in these bills inevitably means some neighborhoods will not be served, leading to second- and third- class digital citizens.

Whereas: These bills also contain provisions threatening the availability and the very existence of public, educational, and government channels.

Therefore be it resolved that the Knox County Commission urges the East Tennessee legislative delegation in Nashville, and all state legislators, to oppose SB 1933/HB 1421.

Be it further resolve Knox County Commission urges the East Tennessee legislative delegation in Nashville, and all state legislators, to support these related bills:

HB2100/SB1572 would establish a non-profit "Tennessee Broadband Access Corporation to facilitate the deployment of broadband technologies across the state."

HB2103/SB1716 requires "the department of economic and community development to establish a ConnectTN program to bring statewide broadband expansion."

HB2099/SB1580 "Expands the membership of the Tennessee Broadband Task Force to include a representative of the Department of Education and requires the task force to submit an assessment of the state of broadband deployment on an annual basis."

In other news I spoke to CTV's David Vogel about the copyright question. We reached agreement that the commission meetings should be available to be posted. We agreed on a modified version of one Creative Commons standard: Non-commercial, credit source, no derivative works except for dividing or cutting for length. Those wishing to do so, still will have to fill out a CTV form and show photo or other positive identification once (a quarterly request for renewal can be done by electronic communication). Vogel will deliver said form to anyone with mobility problems who cannot go to CTV. That may not be all that every Knoxviews blogger wants, but I believe it is an improved and clarified standard.
PS I also called the members of Knox County's state legislative delegation in Nashville to tell them of the resolution. The resolution will be on the agenda of the next full County Commission meeting. --Mark Harmon

R. Neal's picture

Mark, this is all fantastic

Mark, this is fantastic news. Thanks for the report, and thanks for taking the lead on this. You da man.

Rachel's picture

Yes, Mark, great job.So,

Yes, Mark, great job.

So, Nine, the ball's in your court. Get yourself down to CTV with ID and fill out that form.

Number9's picture

I still disagree with Mr. Vogel,

So, Nine, the ball's in your court. Get yourself down to CTV with ID and fill out that form.

Rachel, I think you missed this post. The Producer of the Knox County Commission meetings is not CTV, it is Knox County Commission. So I do not recognize Mr. Vogel's Copyright assertion.

He is claiming a Copyright that is not his to claim. The idea that a person has to fill out a Producers form to post a public meeting is heavy handed and suppressive.

I appreciate very much Mark Harmon's leadership on both issues yesterday in the Cable Committee. Mark has set the bar high and is an example for all members of Commission.

So to answer your question Rachel, no I will not be going down with photo ID in hand to ask for permission from someone that does not have the Producer Credit to issue that permission. If Knox County Commission wants me to stop posting the videos then hold a vote. 10 votes will suffice.

I just posted the outrageous comments from R. Larry Smith on why he would vote against State funding to provide for education and prevention of AIDs and STDs from the 3-26-07 Knox County Commission meeting on YouTube.

Mr. Smith supposedly wants to be the next Knox County Mayor. I have also posted the Metro Government discussion from the same meeting. If you go to YouTube and search for either Publius9 or Knox County you can find these videos.

Mr. Smith said, “I know this is free money from the state... But I know for my district, not a lot of people are interested in men having sex with men, so I’m going to vote against this.”

AIDs and STDs are caused by viruses. Anyone can contract these viruses. To allow personal prejudice to interfere with public health safety is unconscionable. The people have a right to see this.

I will stop posting these public meetings when someone else steps up and does it or CTV steps up and does it. I am not looking for a fight but I believe I am doing what is right. Flail away Rachel, you are entitled to your opinion.

Cletus's picture

9 said I will stop posting

9 said I will stop posting these public meetings when someone else steps up and does it or CTV steps up and does it. I am not looking for a fight but I believe I am doing what is right. Flail away Rachel, you are entitled to your opinion.

Rachel, he's wanting you or Vogel to crucify him. How appropriate this week.

Rachel's picture

Cletus - that's funny. Too

Cletus - that's funny. Too bad I don't have enough nails lying around.

Just another case of the digit yelling about the need to change things, then refusing to be part of the solution.

Old news.

Number9's picture

If you are looking...

for the newest videos, you can find the links here.

Knoxquerious's picture

Forget these videos...I am

Forget these videos...I am just glad I have a 0% chance of getting AIDs or STDs because I am heterosexual. Thank you Dr. Smith.

S Carpenter's picture

in shock

You are as wrong as the day is long about the copyright, #9. But because it is so rare, I must say: you are right that the permission criteria is suppressive to free speech.

Commissioner Mark Harmon's expedient solution to a bigger part of the problem is OK in the short run. His effort is positively on the side of good government.

That "hand me your papers" crap should change.

KTB's picture

I've already emailed for an

I've already emailed for an appointment with Mr. Vogel. I haven't heard back yet. I'll let you know how it goes when I do.


CBT's picture

Good news about posting the

Good news about posting the meetings. However, I have mixed feelings about the cable bill. I don't think it will pass the Legislature (Senate maybe, Naifeh will kill it in the House), but I'm generally for things which create more competition. Plus, I just paid my cable bill. I'd be all for cheaper rates.

Andy Axel's picture


The Producer of the Knox County Commission meetings is not CTV, it is Knox County Commission. So I do not recognize Mr. Vogel's Copyright assertion.


Maybe you don't, but would a court of law? Would YouTube?


People getting rich. Some people saying "Markets!" More death. Neil Young. Death.

smalc's picture

A guest on Inside Tennessee

A guest on Inside Tennessee last week said the bill gives cable companies the right to cross your property (either underground or overhead) at any place, any time. True?

R. Neal's picture

A guest on Inside Tennessee

A guest on Inside Tennessee last week said the bill gives cable companies the right to cross your property (either underground or overhead) at any place, any time. True?

Pretty much. It removes local control of rights of way from local government and gives it to cable companies by way of the state.

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