Aug 16 2022
05:46 am

The City of Alcoa administrators have been pushing for growth for several years. Recently they have approved new apartment complexes to bring in new residents to already full schools. Roads are barely being maintained. Traffic is growing with no plans for the increases.

The City of Alcoa is once again pursuing non-contiguous annexation. This time on the East side on Wildwood Road near where it intersects with Sam Houston School Road. Two property owners wanted to develop their land and apparently they thought the City of Alcoa gave them the best options. However, the property is not in the city limits of Alcoa. The land does not abut any property in the city limits of Alcoa. That doesn't stop the landowners nor the City of Alcoa. The City of Alcoa will once again annex property not next to existing City of Alcoa city limits. You can tell from the map that the City of Alcoa does this often enough.

During the much-disputed case of the Wildwood Road annexations, the city of Alcoa has maintained that people have a right to their property.

Luckily, the Blount County administrators disagree with this new annexation by the City of Alcoa. According to Tennessee law, Blount County has every right to contest the annexation.

The part of the map roughly outlined in red are the city limits for Alcoa.
The light blue large dot on the right side of the map is the area the City of Alcoa wants to annex.
Who in the world can see this is a good idea?
What is the city getting out of this deal?


Alcoa GIS mapping

You have to select the correct options to see the current Alcoa City Limits. From the top left, select the layers option, then on the right will show the Layers menu. Select the Alcoa City Limits option. Unselect the FEMA Flood Hazard option to get a better view.

yellowdog's picture

City limits are not the issue

The heart of the dispute is about the "urban growth boundary" of Alcoa, which is larger than the "city limits." Even then, however, the farm being annexed is not contiguous with either "city limits" OR the urban growth boundary.

The legal issue, which Blount County is pursuing, is about whether Alcoa can annex land that is outside and not "touching" the urban growth boundary.

The idea that people should be able to do whatever they want with their land is of course not true. The existence of zoning is evidence.

Why Alcoa has caved in to this is not clear. Those of us who live near this land grab are supporting Blount County leaders in their willingness to take Alcoa to court.

bizgrrl's picture

It's all related. Alcoa needs

It's all related. Alcoa needs to take care of current business before expanding in non-contiguous areas. Sure the Alcoa urban growth boundary is huge, but maybe they need to pay attention to areas abutting current city limits. Don't see the benefits of this current annexation plan unless someone knows someone. Why are they promoting this growth when they can't manage their current growth? Residential does not add a lot to municipal revenues.

yellowdog's picture

Residential costs the city money

Residential development does not generate enough property tax to pay for city services. I do not know why the city is advocating this.

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