Apr 3 2024
12:43 am

The announcement comes following a thorough review and proposal of public feedback on the facility’s future. The review determined that it would remain open and modernized as a Local Processing Center.

This also supports transferring mail processing outgoing operations to the Nashville P&DC and the Music City Annex in Nashville, TN, instead of Louisville P&DC in Louisville, KY as was originally planned.

USPS to improve, modernize mail operations at Knoxville processing facility

fischbobber's picture

UPS is modernizing locally as well

After years of not being able to explain why the Knoxville operation why the Knoxville operation outperformed other UPS operations, they finally moved enough of the old timers out to drop pproductivity to the normal ranges. So UPS is going to automate the Knoxville operation. Has anyone heard what Fed-exs plans are loically?

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