May 8 2024
06:09 am

Tennessee Comptroller Jason Mumpower proposed the legislation to expedite the property reappraisal schedule statewide... from "once every four, five or six years... to every two, three or four years.

Meaning your property taxes could easily rise higher and faster.

Many homeowner residents in the state are already hurting from the 2023 property reappraisal. In Blount County, TN, "it's been reported in the mainstream media and social media that property values have been reappraised up by 60% and in some cases doubled."

A property tax cap had been proposed, e.g. cap property tax increases at 2%. However, "Tennessee’s county mayors fought the measure, arguing it would hamstring their ability to deal with growth."

House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Ray Clemmons of Nashville said he believes the proposed bill stemmed from tax cuts for corporations and the state’s wealthiest 1% over the last decade... In addition to a large business tax break in 2023, the Legislature passed a $1.9 billion franchise tax cut and rebate this year...

We have a great governor/snark. It would appear he wants more guns in the hands of the crazies. Maybe? It would appear he wants more money in the hands of business and the rich and powerful. Maybe?

Pretty soon Tennesseans won't be able to afford to live here.

bizgrrl's picture

Rising home values have led

Rising home values have led to higher real estate taxes around the U.S. Now many states are looking to provide relief to frustrated residents.

Tennessee homeowners are hurting. Many Tennessee elected officials don't care. In many states across the country elected officials are willing to help.

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