Apr 13 2007
12:28 pm

I have also created an alternate proposal for rezoning.

Would you like to know how your new school performs compared to others? Visit SchoolMatters and follow the steps outlined after the jump.

You should end up with these results but if you click on the school names and others areas of the table (not mine..your results found at SchoolMatters) you will receive a wealth of information and charts.

School Reading Math ACT Average
Austin East 73.9 61.7 17.4
Bearden 97.8 94.1 23.3
Farragut 97.9 93.5 23.7
Powell 90.6 89.4 21.1
West 87.5 82.6 22.1
Fulton 83.9 77.6 18.3
Gibbs 87.0 80.6 20.3
Halls 90.4 89.2 22.0
Karns 92.7 95.2 21.4
South Doyle 85.1 79.6 20.7
Carter 90.3 87.0 20.0
Central 88.6 86.5 21.6
Data provided by SchoolMatters, a service of Standard and Poor's.

Click read more for instructons on generating your own comparison...

  1. Enter the name of a school that interests you.
    Enter the school name
  2. Select the appropriate school and click "Add to favorites" select a school
  3. Click "My Favorites" My Favorites
  4. Select 5 schools to compare. Then click "Compare up to 5". choose 5
  5. Enjoy the results. Click everything because much data is beneath the table! the results

bizgrrl's picture

Thanks for the link. I am

Thanks for the link.

I am always a little disappointed at seeing South-Doyle's statistics. I attended there when it was Doyle and thought it a pretty good school.

I compared South-Doyle to Bearden and Farragut.
Something is going on out there in SoKno County.
The ACT Participation Rate is only 53.5% at South-Doyle versus 70.8% at Bearden and 78.1% at Farragut. That is a pretty huge difference.

Tess's picture

Cool, but...

Interesting, but not sure where these results came from.

TCAP scores?

Carole Borges's picture

Where the scores come from...

I think they come from the results of ACT testing..

A standardized assessment that measures students' general educational development and readiness to pursue college-level coursework in English, reading, mathematics, and science. The possible scores range from 1 through 36 for each of the four subjects. Because the ACT is based on high school curriculum, student performance on the test does not reflect innate ability and is influenced by students' educational preparedness. The ACT is administered in 50 states; and, in about 25 states more than half of all high school students who graduate take the test.

djuggler's picture

From the help section

SchoolMatters is a free public service that provides unprecedented online access to information and analysis about the performance of our nation’s public schools.

SchoolMatters offers comparison tools, benchmarks, and performance indicators designed to help policymakers, educators, parents, and the general public better understand what is happening in our school systems, how much we are spending related to student achievement, and where we may need to focus resources or attention to improve performance.

SchoolMatters is provided by the National Education Data Partnership, a collaboration between the Council of Chief State School Officers, Standard & Poor's School Evaluation Services, and the CELT Corporation.

Established in August 2004, the National Education Data Partnership is funded by The Broad Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

And the data:

Data sources used in SchoolMatters can be found in the Glossary. Virtually every term contained in the data tables is linked to the Glossary.

Major sources of data are provided below. To find the data source for a specific item, you can access the Glossary by clicking an underlined term in the data tables.

  • Student Performance Data: State assessment data, including Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) data, are generally obtained from state departments of education (including state department of education websites). National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data are obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). College preparatory data are provided by the test vendors.
  • Spending, Revenue & Taxes Data: State-level finance data are obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics National Public Education Finance Survey. School district-level finance data are either obtained from the U.S. Census Form F-33 or from the state department of education.
  • School Environment Data: School Environment data are obtained from state departments of education or the National Center for Education Statistics.
  • Community Demographic Data: Community Demographic data are current year projections based on the 2000 Census of Population and Housing provided by Global Insight, Inc. The data are modeled by projecting trends over time and are aggregated from geographic census blocks to school district and state boundaries.

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