Oct 7 2024
09:48 am

Do not vote illegally! It is a Federal crime and you could do prison time.

Similar to the 1,500 + people who listened to Trump on Jan. 6, 2021, and then got arrested for doing that thing Trump encouraged them to do, you could go to prison. Just because Trump or his minions tell you to do something doesn't mean you should.

Elon Musk's mother tweeted over the weekend,

"The Democrats have given us another option. You don’t have to register to vote,” she wrote on the app Saturday. “On Election Day, have 10 fake names, go to 10 polling booths and vote 10 times. That’s 100 votes, and it’s not illegal. Maybe we should work the system too.”

Don't do it. You are family. You are a good friend. Please don't get arrested for voter fraud.

Treehouse's picture

Refugees from the storm

It would be nice if Americans would understand that there are all kinds of refugees and immigrants who are fleeing bad conditions. Your welcome is kind.

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