Nov 27 2007
04:23 pm

Mike McWherter has decided against a run for the U.S. Senate seat presently held by Lamar Alexander. The Man in Plaid is a Tennessee legend and will be near impossible to beat. But, more than that, Lamar has done a good job in Washington. Now, Bob Tuke says he may give it a try. (link...)

Andy Axel's picture

Bob Tuke says he may give it

Bob Tuke says he may give it a try.

"Bless his heart."


With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results, and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms.

Ragsdale2010's picture

Junior says no, Little Ned Head says no

Granted Alexander hasn't done anything to derail a re-election strategy, but in all candor, what has he really done as a US Senator from Tennessee. He's a failed presidential candidate that got inside information from Fred Thompson and knew how to get ready for a short run at an open seat.

I am disappointed that the Democratic Party doesn't have a candidate ready to go on a statewide race. But again, aside from Mike Ragsdale in 2010, the Republican Party doesn't have a candidate ready to go statewide anytime soon either.

R. Neal's picture

But again, aside from Mike

But again, aside from Mike Ragsdale in 2010,

Oh, my. Pulling up a chair and popping popcorn. Oh, wait. The square root of 81 is no longer with us.

At any rate, really? Seriously? In what universe?

Factchecker's picture

You mean considering he's a Republican?

But, more than that, Lamar has done a good job in Washington.

How insightful.

Factchecker's picture

I hadn't seen RagsdaleXXXX's

I hadn't seen RagsdaleXXXX's comment, but I will give Lamar some credit for pushing the Northshore Road settlement, even if the NPS recommendation was independent and took precedence.

Factchecker's picture

Maybe that was

Maybe that was tongue-in-cheek. (?)

R. Neal's picture

I, too, give Lamar! credit

I, too, give Lamar! credit on the North Shore Road deal and environmental issues in general. It's about the only thing he has departed from the Bush agenda on.

On the other hand, he could, quite possibly, be protecting the family business at Blackberry Farm (including his support for the I-140 tourist thruway extension to Townsend, although I could be mistaken on that, too lazy to google).

WhitesCreek's picture

What do I rememnber about

What do I remember about Lamar trying to do away with windmills?

jbr's picture

Regarding the i-140

Regarding the i-140 extension, whats the latest on that? I see the Citizens Against the Pellissippi Parkway Extension group is still active.


With the political clout of Lamar, Sundquist, seems like I heard the Blalock roadbuilding family owned or acquired property in Townsend, and some others whose names I cannot recall, the success of the CAPPE group is noteworthy.

Some folks seem determined to clutter that beautiful area.

Factchecker's picture

he could, quite possibly, be

he could, quite possibly, be protecting the family business at Blackberry Farm

No doubt. That, his wind turbine anti-bias, and all his talk about "clean coal" pretty much washes out his greenness. Then again, it's also embarrassing that pretty much all the Dem candidates think clean coal might be an option and don't seem to mind corn ethanol either. (We're doomed.)

Factchecker's picture

Wife attended a city

Wife attended a city luncheon last week where BOB CORKER was the featured speaker. "Bob" proceeded to "depart from Bush" on just about every topic he spoke on. Apparently there was a lot nervous laughter in the room which was full of GOP KnoxGOBs (as one might imagine).

Elrod's picture

Lamar knows the way the wind blows

As long as Lamar doesn't replace Lott as Whip, I expect him to break with the GOP caucus even more in the next Senate as the Dems will almost certainly expand their presence to over 55 seats (and likely more). Lamar will be useful in getting up to 60 votes to pass some progressive legislation with a Democratic President. Corker is less likely to go along with Dems than Lamar.

bill young's picture

no suprise

McWherter had not done a thing.A few blurbs in the press is not a campaign.But,next year,if ya start hearing about McWherter popping up @ Democratic bean dinners & picnics...that would mean a run for governor is gearing up.

CBT's picture

the Republican Party doesn't

the Republican Party doesn't have a candidate ready to go statewide anytime soon either.

Frist can flip a switch and turn on a statewide 'organization'. It won't take much gearing up for someone who's run statewide a number of times. Plus, he has an existing bankroll.

Wamp's been talking and has a good organization in his district and friends elsewhere. Marsha Blackburn is less well-known outside the 7th district, but has apparently expressed interest. Same for Rep. Beth Harwell, who is also former State GOP chair.

Maybe our own Bill Haslam as well, who's family has ties statewide and a substantial fundraising network. As for our county mayor, anyone think he still has an interest or chance to win the nomination? As previously predicted, new faces on Commission are critically important to Ragsdale's future political aspirations. We're seeing that play out now with the 11 and we will see more in next year's elections. So, is a new Commission enough?

All these folks who may have an interest will roll along, making sure to get out, make friends and maybe talk privately about a possible run. Nothing will gel publicly until after the 2008 Presidential race. My prediction is if Frist runs, everyone else except maybe Wamp takes a pass.

As for Lamar and windmills, his opposition to these giant things is based on the number required and mountaintops they would cover. I believe this was discussed sometime back in another thread.

mbradley's picture

R's up first

Frist has first dibs on the governor's race... Then to Zack. Blackburn and Harwell are distance thirds. If Frist is in then Wamp takes a pass. He won't run against Frist.

All just my opinion, of course.

rocketsquirrel's picture

hmm. a Tennessee legend?

hmm. a Tennessee legend? That's stretching it a bit. His plaid shirt may have become legend, but the man himself?

Don't think so. as Education Secretary, I seem to recall he wanted the Department shut down from the federal government. As Senator, he has legislatively accomplished what, exactly?

Factchecker's picture

As for Lamar and windmills,

As for Lamar and windmills, his opposition to these giant things is based on the number required and mountaintops they would cover. I believe this was discussed sometime back in another thread.

Required? For what? I don't think the proposal included a minimum number, as if we had to replace all our present electrical generation with the number of wind turbines (not windmills--that's in Holland) it would take to do that.

And speaking of mountain tops, where does Lamar! stand on mountaintop removal that also ends up being burned as coal which severely pollutes the air we all breathe? Not just the vistas that people like those who get to visit Blackberry Farms see? If he's against MTR, he's needed right now to do something about it.

And where is he on cell towers and billboards regarding the same objections he has with wind power?

CBT's picture

cell towers and billboards

cell towers and billboards are local issues and are rarely placed accross the ridges of mountaintops. I don't think Senator Alexander has a dog in the fight over placement of cell towers and billboards, unless they're in a national park or other federal land.

Required? For what? Enough to make is sensible to put these dang things on mountaintops accross East Tennessee. Put 'em out in the flatlands. There are better solutions for us hillbillies.

wind turbines (not windmills--that's in Holland) Thanks for the meaningless correction.

As for MTR, send the Senator an email and ask.

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