The project will happen in three phases and focus on a stretch of highway from Blount Avenue to Woodlawn Pike, which is about 3/4 of a mile. USDOT said the goal is to address pedestrian safety challenges along the highway, including high-speed drivers, people not yielding to pedestrians or people on bicycles, and "inconsistent pedestrian facilities."

The money will fund a new sidewalk or shared-use pedestrian and bike path along the west side of the highway, as well as new pedestrian signals at intersections and a wide, landscaped median.

Knoxville to get nearly $18 million in federal grants to add sidewalks, pedestrian safety features on Chapman Highway

bizgrrl's picture

I have to wonder why they are

I have to wonder why they are adding a second sidewalk to Chapman Highway, on the west side, when there are a lot of places in town that need one sidewalk.

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