Sep 22 2006
07:30 pm
By: Andy Axel

As The Decider is given every single thing he wanted vis-a-vis suspending the Geneva Conventions at his own whim and discretion, all under the mantle of "compromise," comes this tidbit:

As reports circulate of a sharp debate within the White House over possible US military action against Iran and its nuclear enrichment facilities, The Nation has learned that the Bush Administration and the Pentagon have moved up the deployment of a major "strike group" of ships, including the nuclear aircraft carrier Eisenhower as well as a cruiser, destroyer, frigate, submarine escort and supply ship, to head for the Persian Gulf, just off Iran's western coast. This information follows a report in the current issue of Time magazine, both online and in print, that a group of ships capable of mining harbors has received orders to be ready to sail for the Persian Gulf by October 1.

October Surprise, anyone?

UPDATE: In related war-time news, today marks the day that the number of U.S. military dead in Iraq surpassed the number of people killed on 9/11.

UPDATE: From the same article linked immediately above...

The civilian toll in Iraq hit record highs in the summer, with 6,599 violent deaths reported in July and August alone, the United Nations said this week.

Wow, that's a couple-three 9/11's right there, just in the span of a couple of months. (Gee, it's too bad that Iraq had nothing to do with the single biggest act of terrorism on American soil...)

JaHu's picture

We as US citizens, should,

We as US citizens, should, whether as, democrats or as republicans, demand for two things to happen in this country, 1- Bring the troops home. 2- Start impeachment proccedings to remove the president for putting our troops in harms way by luring our country into a wrongful war, and by decieving our people into believing it was tied into 911. GWB has divided us as a nation, when we needed to be united the most. We as a nation, have learned that the amount of war dead has now reached the amount killed in the 911 attacks, I personally feel we should demand that our laws be written in a way, that wars, like the one in Iraq should never happen again. No I am not a die-hard democrat, I shamefully voted for Bush senior twice, and regretfully never voted for Clinton, who I was manipulated into believing, was the worst human being on the face of the earth, I'm not so sure of that anymore. I tried to stay neutral in the 2000 election because I didn't want to vote for any of the candidates. I refused to vote for Gore because, I don't believe in abortion, sorry, but that's just the way I feel. I refused to vote for GWB because, I didn't trust him, and I knew in my heart that he was itching to drag us into a war with Iraq. Watching events unfold in the night of the 2000 election opened my eyes, and caused made me loose trust in our election process. I have been against this war, form the moment GW was elected. I knew we were in trouble when I heard him state, that you can only tell how good a leader is, by how he leads you in times of war. I can't recall where I heard it but am certain I did.
We need to be united again, I'm not saying we can't still have our party differences, but we need to be united as a nation again. The war in Iraq has only divided us, and now there is talk of starting a war with Iran? No I am not highly educated, and I know that each and everyone on this site knows this, by my postings, but whether or not I am the least knowlegable person here, I still have what I feel is a very real concern for where this nation is headed, and I can't sit as a quiet bystander, watching our country head down the wrong path without speaking out.

talidapali's picture

That'll never happen

 As long as the Republicans control both the House and the Senate, nothing will be done. Soldiers will continue to die, Iraqi citizens will continue to die, and the drums of war will continue to beat their death knells. And we will continue to work everyday and our tax money will continue to go towards paying for the Neo-cons endless war.

The Senators that were refusing to allow changes to the Geneva Conventions just caved in and gave Bush everything he was asking for today.

Any Republicans out there that would like to explain once again how the Republican party is NOT the party of Death??? Everything they touch either dies or withers or rots. 


"You can't fix stupid..." Ron White

Factchecker's picture

Yes, but they want to repeal the "death tax"!

Any Republicans out there that would like to explain once again how the Republican party is NOT the party of Death??? Everything they touch either dies or withers or rots.

You said it: 

"You can't fix stupid..." Ron White

And that's why I say: 


Never has the left been so right.

JaHu's picture

As long as the Republicans

As long as the Republicans control both the House and the Senate, nothing will be done

I know the politicians up in Washington won't correct it. They've become too corrupt and have no sense of duty to the American people. I am just hoping the American people, Republicans and Democrats, more so the Republicans lately, will eventually realize that something has to be done or we run the risk of losing all control of our government. I wish Republicans, no, the far right wing Conservatives, would take a break from fox news and the likes of Rush, to try and for once, see the world without blinders on and also to think for themselves. They owe it to themselves, their families, and the country to venture beyond their closed environment shaped by conservative news and talk radio.

Tess's picture

You can feel a little guilty, JaHu

if you voted for the Decider, but not too much.  I, and many others, think that he would have won even if everybody stayed away from the polls in the last two elections, since the elections were both rigged in 2000 and 2004.

JaHu's picture

"You can feel a little guilty

"You can feel a little guilty, JaHu, if you voted for the Decider, but not too much."

I blindly voted for his father but I wasn't even considering voting for junior. It took a little twist of fate to change my direction. I feel the same as you about the elections.

Socialist With A Gold Card's picture


I still have what I feel is a very real concern for where this nation is headed, and I can't sit as a quiet bystander, watching our country head down the wrong path without speaking out.

JaHu, whether you consider yourself educated or not, you have articulated as clearly as possible the angst that most of us feel. Thank you for speaking your mind.

--Socialist With A Gold Card

"I'm a socialist with a gold card. I firmly believe we need a revolution; I'm just concerned that I won't be able to get good moisturizer afterwards." --Brett Butler


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