Mar 15 2012
08:10 am


The machine pictured above can cut down a tree in three seconds. (Here's a short video of the machine in action. Click on the above photo for some more photos.)

The tree killing behemoth has been busy along Alcoa Highway between Hall Rd. and Hunt Rd. clearing a decades old pine tree barrier alongside the road. It's not clear why.

As you are probably aware, the City of Alcoa wants to build an eight lane interstate through the community. They also want to develop some old Alcoa Aluminum Co. property the city has purchased. Part of all that would involve building a new interchange at Hunt Rd. to accommodate more lanes and to provide access to the new development. (It will also cut off existing rail access from the Airport to a line that runs downtown.)

There's no money for any of this.

Kinsey Probasco Hayes is involved. According to various fuzzy news reports, they apparently suggested that removing the tree barrier would make the property more visible and thus more marketable. The City of Alcoa says it improves the view, because now you can see the mountains. They also say the trees would have to go anyway for the new Hunt Rd. interchange, which isn't funded. But they are asking for $2 million to get it started. Or something. News reports are fuzzy, as with all information trickling out about these projects. It is not clear who is paying for the tree removal.

We'll have more about this latest development soon.

Tess's picture


It looks like they may be in the way of the power line. KUB left me a note that they are taking down a line of trees on my property that touch the line.

R. Neal's picture

Trust me, it has nothing to

Trust me, it has nothing to do with the power lines. This is clear cutting on a massive scale.

Factchecker's picture

not that key


Factchecker's picture

I'll keep looking for a link

Just gonna say it sounds like a developer "cleaning up" his property for market. They must not have heard the news report that WUOT news aired this week (which I can't find online) where trees were assessed for their economic value to this region and it was a considerable sum.

Factchecker's picture

Here ya go

Here ya go (excerpts):

...[U]rban forests provide an estimated $204 million per year in pollution removal and $66 million per year in energy savings. The study is the first of its kind in Tennessee.

“This report, for the first time, puts a face on the urban forest resource and what it means to the state in terms of economic and environmental value, ” said Steven Scott, Tennessee State Forester and head of the Tennessee Division of Forestry, which collected the data for the report. “Perhaps the most significant finding is the immediate impact of urban trees on the use of energy, the savings we get as a result of shade near homes, businesses and industrial areas.”

“Urban forests make our cities healthier, more vibrant places to live,” said Nowak. “They provide healthy outdoor spaces for our kids, they clean our air and water, and – as this study shows – they provide tremendous economic benefits. We must continue our work to protect these critical natural resources.”

There are more than 100 million acres of urban forest across the U.S., but a recent study shows that many are in decline.

Up Goose Creek's picture

Trees & Shopping

Somewhere out there is a study that demonstrated that shoppers pend more money in a shopping area with trees. Now it could be that more affluent buyers are drawn to these areas but it could be that the trees put the shoppers in a relaxed state of mind.

Up Goose Creek's picture

Trees & politics

When I was out canvassing Colonial Village I noticed the Democrats clustered on blocks with shade trees and the Republican yards tended to be tree-free. Except for perhaps a well tended small ornamental tree.

Factchecker's picture

Repugs are from Mars, Dems are from Earth?

A well-tended, small ornamental tree that's non-native and will die early like a weak Bradford Pear.

Up Goose Creek's picture

Weeping cherry

I was thinking of weeping cherries with their artificially contorted, top - down growth habit.

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