Trees are a natural way to help fight against the heat dome surrounding the city. The more trees planted in and around Knoxville, the less hot it will feel in the city.

“Having some shade and strategically placed well-maintained trees can help alleviate some of the temperature issues that we see during the summer in the south,” Dr. Hunter Hammock with the University of Tennessee’s Department of Plant Sciences said.

City of Knoxville Urban Forestry Division plans to use trees to combat summer heat

bizgrrl's picture

They need to require more

They need to require more trees in parking lots and near sidewalks.

jbr's picture

How to cool down a city

But unlike most cities, Singapore is spending enormous resources to try to cool itself down — and learning lessons that could help other cities.

How to Cool Down a City

Could a "green corridor" from the river to downtown cooling and other benefits?

Green corridor connects downtown to the water

We don't seem to have made any effort to integrate a major river and our downtown area

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