Apr 9 2024
08:43 am

From the Washington Post, "Bad tax advice is multiplying on TikTok."

No, you can't write-off your vacation as a business trip. Yes, you must file federal income taxes, it’s the law. Be very cautious if trying to expense a vehicle, your home office, or your kids as employees.

Having run a small business for 25 years, i can say an accountant is a great resource. Plus, they will be there to answer questions if you get audited.

Mike Cohen's picture

Bad tax advice on the internet


bizgrrl's picture

I know. Who'd a thunk.

I know. Who'd a thunk.

However, I'm finding more and more people are relying on their internet sources. Sheesh.

Perry Aubric's picture

Internet Research

Comment: "I did my own research."

Interpretation: "I'm an idiot who got online and looked until I found something I wanted to hear."

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