May 3 2007
08:38 am

Carlson Tucker (gag, gag) who replaced Don Imus (gag, gag) on MSNBC, just played a tape of an archived call-in show this morning.

On the tape, Giuliani was totally bashing a ferret owner who had called in to ask why pet ferrets weren’t allowed in NY City. Giuliani got all weird about the question. He obviously has some kind of problem with ferrets or men who want to own ferrets because he told the man he should seek help because of his “obsession” with little weasels. The guy kept trying to defend himself, but the Mayor just wouldn’t let up. Over and over he told the man he was in denial. He beseeched the poor would-be ferret owner to face up to the fact that he was sick.

Hopefully, this moment will end up on UTube. It was so odd and probably indicative of the way Giuliani simply doesn’t listen to anybody. His manner was condescending, utterly rude, and emotionally weird. Why did it bother Giuliani so much that this man was fond of ferrets? He acted like the guy was some kind of dangerous pervert. After verbally roughing this guy up, the Mayor aborted the conversation by ending the call. Then he ranted on and on about how sick the guy was. It was almost unbelievable.

Maybe weasels bother Giuliani so much because he is one?

R. Neal's picture

calloway's picture

Priceless moment happening

Priceless moment happening right now on MSNBC

Unfortunately for them, practically everyone else was watching FOX.

F-Stop's picture

You can't have pet ferrets

You can't have pet ferrets in NYC??

Carole Borges's picture

Not as long as Giuliani is around...

He was absolutely rabid in his response to anyone even suggesting it. I mean WAY over the top. It was frightening really.

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